AUST Research and Publication Club, abbreviated as AUSTRPC, is the university's first research-based club, founded to improve the role of aspiring students in research and publications.
The major purpose of this club is to help undergraduate students of all majors to navigate the pitfalls of research. It also aims to motivate students and strengthen their knowledge in publication research outcomes. Our club also offers seminars and workshops to encourage newbies to pursue research. AUST alumni researchers or professors supervise students with suitable guidelines during workshops or consulting hours. AUST students will also engage in research-based inter-university national or international activities through our club.
Furthermore, AUST ALUMNI's enormous number of publications will be made available to AUST students through our club, which will be a source of pride for our university among other universities. The Club will collaborate with all other groups and activities in the field of research around AUST and the country.
Contact Information:
Associate Professor
Dept of EEE
Assistant Professor
Dept of CSE
Dept of ME
Dept of CSE
Dept of ME
Dept of CSE
Dept of TE
Dept of TE
Dept of CSE
Dept of ME
Dept of ME