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Date: 2023-10-08

Undergraduate Research 101: Navigating Methodology, Ethics, and the Publication Process

The AUST Research and Publication Club held its first workshop on the topic "Undergraduate Research 101: Navigating Methodology, Ethics, and the Publication Process" on January 7, 2023. The honourable instructor was our very own Dr. Mohammad Tajul Islam, Associate Professor, Department of Textile Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. We were very honoured to have our special guest, Professor. Dr. Md. Meganur Rahman and Professor Dr. Omar Farrok at our workshop. Besides, Dr. Taskin Jamal (President, AUSTRPC), Dr. Taslim Taher (Treasurer, AUSTRPC), and Dr. Md. Aminul Islam were present there. About 80+ students registered themselves for the workshop and the attendance of the students at the workshop was very responsive. The strategies for locating a research topic, citations, SJR (Scientific Journal Rankings), and other topics were covered at a preliminary level. The audience was presented and allowed to experiment utilizing tools via portable computing devices and preferred websites. AUST RPC is looking forward to arranging upcoming events very soon.