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Registration for the 12th Convocation of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) is going on and will continue up to 24 April 2025. Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2022 Strauss Representatives Visit AUST to Explore Sustainability and Textile Innovation Initiatives Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) and GIZ signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to extend their partnership until December 2026 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Business Administration, Fall 2023 Routine for Semester Final Examination (MBA/EMBA): Spring 2024 আহ্ছানউল্লা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ইফতার মাহফিল ও দোয়া অনুষ্ঠিত Farewell Ceremony for outgoing Students of Spring Semester-2024 held Notification - Tuition Award (Sponsor Organization) Notification - Carry, Improvement Application Notification (Independence and National Day, Shab-e-Quadar, Jumatul Vida and Eid-ul-Fitr) Notification - Tuition Award (Sibling) Schedule of Semester Final Examinations: Spring 2024 MBA/EMBA Admission – Fall 2024 Semester is going on The MTB Presents AUST Inter-University Programming Contest (IUPC) 2025: A Battle of Minds Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 The MTB Presents AUST Inter-University Programming Contest (IUPC) 2025: A Battle of Minds Notification Regarding Office Hours During Holy Ramadan ADMISSION IN POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS FALL - 2024 SEMESTER Academic Calendar - Spring 2024 (Revised)

Examination & Grading System for Bachelor Degree Programs

Examination & Grading System

  1. The performance of a student in a theoretical course of study will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria :
    1. Continuous assessment (assessment of class attendance, class performance, quizzes and/or assignments etc.).
    2. Semester Final Examination.
    3. Clearance Examination (for clearance of the courses in which the students failed in the Regular Examination, if any)
    4. Carry Over Examination (for clearance of back log of the course(s) of previous semester(s), if any).
    5. Improvement Examination (for improvement of the grade(s) obtained in the Regular Examinations, if any)
  2. The continuous assessment and the Semester Final Examination will form Regular Examination while the Clearance Examination, Carry Over Examination and Improvement Examination will provide additional opportunities to the students.
  3. The distribution of marks in the continuous assessment and in the Semester Final/Clearance/Carry Over/Improvement Examination will be as follows:
    1. Class participation (i.e. class attendance, class performance etc.) = 10%
    2. Quizzes and/or assignments = 20%
    3. Semester Final/Clearance/Carry Over/Improvement Examination = 70%
  4. The number of quizzes and/or assignments in a theoretical course of study shall ordinarily be (n + 1), where "n" is the number of credit hours of the course. Evaluation of the performance will be on the basis of the best "n" quizzes and/or assignments.
  5. The performance of a student in a sessional/practical course will be evaluated on the basis of class attendance, class performance, quiz, assignment, report, practical examination, jury viva voce etc. The distribution of marks in the course will be determined by the teachers concerned.
  6. The letter grades and the corresponding grade-points will be awarded for the theoretical courses in the Regular Examination and for the practical/sessional courses in accordance with the provision shown below:

    Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point
    80% or above A+ 4.00
    75% to less than 80% A 3.75
    70% to less than 75% A- 3.50
    65% to less than 70% B+ 3.25
    60% to less than 65% B 3.00
    55% to less than 60% B- 2.75
    50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
    45% to less than 50% C 2.25
    40% to less than 45% D 2.00
    Less than 40% F 0.00
  7. Apart from the letter grades listed above, the students may be awarded some other letter grades for their different status in a course. The letter grade "W" will be given for the withheld result of a student in a course. Subject to the recommendation of the concerned Head of the Department and the approval of the Vice Chancellor of the University, a student may be awarded the letter grade "E" for exemption or waiver of a course. The letter grade "P" will be awarded for the course(s) the students passed in previous semester(s).

    Course Status Letter Grade
    Withheld W
    Exempted E
    Passed P
    Grade Point Average (GPA) of a student will be computed without the grades mentioned above.
  8. Every course has a certain number of credit hour which describes its weightage. The credit hour of a theoretical course and the credit hour of a practical/sessional course refer to contact hour per week and half of the contact hour per week of the courses respectively. The number of credit hours a student has completed satisfactorily and the weighted average of the grade points he/she has maintained measure the performance of the student. Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) can be explained as follows:
    Grade Point Average (GPA) =
    = Summation of (Credit hour in a course x Grade point earned in that course)
    Total number of credit hours completed

    Suppose, a student has completed five courses in a semester and obtained the following grades:

    Course Credit Hour Grade Grade Point
    Course 1 3 A+ 4.00
    Course 2 3 B 3.00
    Course 3 3 A 3.75
    Course 4 2 B+ 3.25
    Course 5 1 A- 3.50

    Then his/her Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester will be computed as follows:
    GPA = = 3.52
  9. The total marks assigned to a theoretical/practical course of study is 100 and the duration of Semester Final/Improvement/Clearance/Carry Over Examination of a theoretical course is 3 hours. The total marks assigned to continuous assessment (obtained on the basis of class participation, quizzes and/or assignments etc.) and the Semester Final/Clearance/Carry Over/Improvement Examination are 30 & 70 respectively.
  10. A student who remains absent in the Semester Final/ Clearance/ Improvement/ Carry Over Examination of a course of study will be given the grade "F" for the course. The total mark and the corresponding grade of the students who are absent in the examinations of a course will be entered in the mark sheet of the course considering the mark of the examinations as zero.
  11. The Clearance Examination of a course will be held only for the students obtaining the grade "F" (failed in the course) in the Regular Examination of the course. The Clearance/Carry Over/Improvement Examination of a semester will be held over a period of 1 to 2 weeks at the end of the Semester Final Examination of the semester.
  12. The Clearance Examination of a course will carry 70% of the total marks assigned to the course, the rest of the mark (30%) will be entered from the record of the continuous assessment secured earlier by the student when he/she attended the classes. Whatever is the total mark obtained by the student, the highest attainable grade with the Clearance Examination is "B".
    So the grading scale for the students appearing in the Clearance Examination will be as follows:

    Marks equivalent

    Letter grade


    Marks equivalent

    Letter grade


    60% to 100%



    45% to less than 50%



    55% to less than 60%



    40% to less than 45%



    50% to less than 55%



    Below 40%



  13. A student obtaining the grade "F" in a maximum of 2 (two) theoretical courses of a semester will also be promoted to the next higher class with carry over in the failed theoretical course(s) if the cumulative number of the courses including the number of carry over courses of the previous semester(s) of the student concerned does not exceed the highest allowable limit of 4 (four). The students can clear the back log of the carry over course(s) in the Carry Over Examinations of the relevant semester. The examination & grading system of the Carry Over Examinations will be in the same manner as the Clearance Examination.
  14. If the number of failed courses of a student in a semester exceeds the highest limit of 2 or if the cumulative number of failed courses including the number of carry over courses of the student exceeds the highest limit of 4, the student will not be promoted to the immediate higher class. In this case, the student must re-register for the course(s) in which he/she failed in the semester and bring down the number of failed courses including the carry over course(s) within the allowable limits of 4 & 2 to be promoted to the next higher semester.
  15. If the cumulative number of failed courses including the number of carry over courses of a student enrolled in 4th year 2nd semester of 4-year bachelor degree program or in 5th year 2nd semester of 5-year bachelor degree program exceeds the highest limit of 4 (four), the student will have to re-register for the courses of the semester in which he/she failed. If the number of failed courses of the last semester of the programs exceeds the highest limit of 2 (two), the student will have to re-register for the courses of the semester in which he/she failed. A student can appear at the Carry Over Examination of the courses in the relevant subsequent semester if the number of failed courses does not exceed the limit of 4 & 2 as specified above.
  16. For appearing in the Carry Over Examinations, the students are required to apply for enrollment within due time in the prescribed application form available in the office of the Controller of Examinations of the University.
  17. The students who have not been promoted to the next higher semester can re-register in the subsequent semester for the course(s) (both theoretical & practical) in which they failed. The grade(s) secured by the students in the re-registered course(s) will be considered for the result and Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) of the students concerned for that semester. However, the grade(s) obtained by the students in the previous semester will also be recorded in the transcript/grade card and tabulation sheet of previous semester only for chronological sequence. The students are required to apply in the prescribed application form available in the office of the Registrar of the University for re-registration. The application form duly filled in will be submitted within 2 weeks from the commencement of the classes.
  18. For the purpose of grade improvement, a student obtaining a passing grade lower than "A-" in the Regular Examination of a theoretical course can appear at the relevant Improvement Examination of the semester by cancelling the passing grade of the course secured by him/her. The highest attainable grade with the Improvement Examination is "A-" and the grade obtained with the Improvement Examination will be considered for the result and G.P.A of a student. But the grade obtained by the student in the Regular Examination will also be recorded in the tabulation sheet/transcript/grade card only for chronological sequence. The letter grades will be awarded with the Improvement Examinations in accordance with the provision given below:

    Marks equivalent

    Letter grade


    Marks equivalent

    Letter grade


    70% to 100%



    50% to less than 55%



    65% to less than 70%



    45% to less than 50%



    60% to less than 65%



    40% to less than 45%



    55% to less than 60%



    Below 40%



  19. The Improvement Examination of a course will carry 70% of the total mark assigned to the course and like the Semester Final/ Clearance Examinations, the rest of the mark will be entered in the mark sheet of the course from the record of the continuous assessment secured earlier by the student when he/she attended the classes of the semester. For appearing in the Improvement Examination of a course, the students are required to apply for enrollment in the prescribed application form available in the office of the Controller of Examinations at least four (4) days before the examination date of the course.
  20. A student of a 4-year degree program can appear in the Improvement Examination in a maximum of 4 (four) courses while a student of a 5-year degree program can do the same in a maximum of 5 (five) courses in his/her student career at AUST.
  21. A student failing in any sessional/practical course will have to repeat the semester. But a student failing in the course Surveying Practical may be promoted to the next higher class, if eligible. A student who remains absent in the classes of the course Surveying Practical due to reason acceptable to the authority of the University, will get another chance to attend the classes & pass the course along with the students of other batch in the next relevant semester.
  22. A student of a semester who fails to submit the report/thesis of the course Project/Thesis during the semester will have to enroll for the course in the subsequent semester of his/her submission of the report/thesis.
  23. The students of all bachelor degree programs are required to attend 60% of the classes held in each course of a semester. The students failing to attend the requisite percentage of classes in any course will not be allowed to appear at the Semester Final/ Clearance/Improvement/Carry Over Examinations of the course in the semester. However, the authority of the University may condone the shortage of requisite percentage of class attendance on grounds acceptable to the authority.
  24. All 4-year degree programs at AUST require completion of degree requirements within a maximum period of 7 years and a 5-year degree program requires completion of all degree requirements within a maximum period of 8 years. Failure to complete all degree requirements within the given time frame may disqualify a student from continuation of his/her study at AUST.