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Notification (regarding refund of caution money) TENDER INVITATION Notification (Shab-e-Meraj) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 এইচএমপিভি বা হিউম্যান মেটানিউমো ভাইরাস বিষয়ে সতর্কতা Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Spring 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Request for EOI for Fixed Asset Management Software (FAMS) AUST PARTICIPATES IN THE LAUNCH OF DS2S NETWORK IN BANGALORE AUST Researchers Presented at ISF2024 in Kyoto, Japan AUST Faculty Member Joins Editorial Board of Prestigious International Journal Alumni Election of the Department of Civil Engineering, AUST (2025-2026) Tuition Award - FFTA & HFTA Advertisement for Research Assistant (RA) – Free Space Optical Communication System Project Notification regarding application for semester grade sheet of Fall 2023 Gradutate Notification: Bachelor of Architecture, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Business Administration, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023


Date: 2019-11-12

AUST Mars Rover has attended two international competitions: ERC 2018 was held at Poland and IRC 2020 was held at India.

AUST MARS ROVER team is a collaboration of core engineering sectors (Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Civil engineering) and fundamental science. Crew members of this team are individually motivated and passionate to accumulate a rover by improving the sectors such as structure, power system, communication, data collection, lab test etc.

Team mars rover with Faculty Advisors

European Rover Challenge (ERC) 2018: The competition date was 13-15 September 2018. AUST MARS ROVER secured 26th position among the 65+ teams worldwide and managed to become 4th in Asia.

International Rover Challenge (IRC) 2020: The competition date was 16th January 2020. AUST MARS ROVER secured 15th position worldwide.

2018 ERC:

Faculty advisor: Dr. Mohammad Harun-Or-Rashid,Dr. Dewan Hasan Ahmed, Mr. Azmyin Md. Kamal, Mr. A S M Fahad Hossain, Mr. Md. Istiaque Rahaman.

Students Member: Mubin, Abid, Pial, Rian, Nafe, Pranto, Protik, Nahid, Reisan, Prottoy, Mokit, Sujon, Pongti, Hasan.

2020 IRC

Faculty advisor: Dr. Mohammad Harun-Or-Rashid.

Students Member: Mubin, Abid, Pial, Rian, Pranto, Tashreef, Jim, Arafat, Faraz, Rafat, Nahid, Reisan, Marleen , Disha

Media coverage:

The daily Ittefaq: Click here

Demonstration Video: Click here