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Date: 2016-11-13

The 9th Convocation of AUST was held on 07 November 2016

AUST holds 9th Convocation

The 9th Convocation of the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) was held on 07 November 2016 at Dhaka International Trade Fair Ground, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.

Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, MP, Education Minister delivering speech


Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, MP, Minister, Ministry of Education who was nominated by the Chancellor of AUST and President, People's Republic of Bangladesh conferred the degrees upon 1582 graduating students. Professor Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) was the Convocation Speaker. Mr. Kazi Rafiqul Alam, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Treasurer of the university attended the ceremony among others.

Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, MP, Minister, Ministry of Education said that the main objective of education is to make our future generation free from poverty, illiteracy and to build a corruption free developed and prosperous Bangladesh. But it is not possible in our traditional education system. We have to educate our new generation keeping pace with the modern era by altering the present traditional education system. To make people skilled and properly educated with knowledge, science, technology, ethics and patriotism, "National Education Policy-2010" has been made and got support of the nation. This policy which is appropriate in the present age is being implemented gradually. He congratulated the graduates and urged them to be responsible and patriotic citizens of the country.

He mintioned that recently a few students got involved in terrorist activities being misguided by some fanatic miscreants and ruined their lives. Their antisocial activities not only damaged the porperty and lives, but also brought bad reputation for our country. So, he urged the students to be aware of the misguidance of the fanatics.

Convocation Speaker Professor Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) addressed the graduated students by saying that "You need to go ahead to enlighten the country with the knowledge you achieved from your institution. You have to make use of the resources we have by dint of your merit, skill and wisdom. You have to remember that through this convocation you are not going to end achieving knowledge rather you are going to enter into a world where you will find ample opportunity of gaining new and practical knowledge."  He also mentioned, 'Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology has achieved huge appreciations for its commendable contribution in spreading higher education all over the country within a very short time. Government of Bangladesh also considers it one of the few best universities in the country and I hope it will be a university of international standard and will also be a role model for other private universities in Bangladesh.' He added terrorism and communalism are curses for not only for our country but also for the whole world. The people who are involved with these negative activities are not destroying themselves only, they are destroying the families, and the properties of the nation. They are turnishing the image of the nation to people of other countries. So, he called for united efforts of the teachers, students, guardians and university authorites in order to save the students and the nation from the grip of communalism and terrorism.

Mr. Kazi Rafiqul Alam, Chairman, BoT delivering speech


Congratulating the graduates Mr. Kazi Rafiqul Alam, Chairman, AUST Board of Trustees mentioned that Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology has been imparting quality education since its establishment. The university has never compromised with anyone or anything with regard to maintaining discipline and transparency and as a result the university has achieved the name and fame all over the country and even abroad. He advised the graduates to lead their life with honesty, and to utilize the skill they acquired competently. He advised the new graduates to work with patriotic zeal so that they can play a key role in building a liberal, democratic, economically solvent, and  socially developed country.  

He mentioned that showing respect to the memory of Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah and being imbued with the teaching and idealism of this great humanitarian philanthropic person, this university was established. He said the aim of establishing this univesity was to present the nation with a unique university in terms of quality and standard. He added that the authority is working ceaselessly to achieve the goal.

Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-chancellor of the university informs the graduates that new dimensions of knowledge are being created and replaced with old ones. So they should be aware of the changes coming from time to time and make themselves updated so that they may not face any complicacy whenever they are engaged in a job. That's why "outcome based" learning is a must for them to go forward in this modern globalized world. He hoped that AUST graduates would involve themselves in building of a prosperous country by their self confidence and with the help of the knowledge they earned over the last few years. He added that AUST is very keen to appoint skilled teachers, in creating conducive educational environment, careful of updating its course curricula as per international standard. The authority is cautious and working relentlessly to make the university as a centre for excellence.

Among a total of 1582 graduating students from various programmes of the university 1315 were from undergraduate programmes and 267 from graduate programmes.

In the convocation ceremony, S M Miftahul Islam, a student of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of (Spring-15) and Borshan Roy, a student of the Department of Textile Engineering (Fall-15) were awarded the Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah Padak for their outstanding performance.

The members of the Board of Trustees, Treasurer, Deans of all the faculties, Heads of the Departments, teachers, officers, graduating students and their parents attended the convocation ceremony. The students were ecstatic upon receiving their certificates in due time after their academic life.