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Registration for the 12th Convocation of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) is going on and will continue up to 24 April 2025. Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2022 Strauss Representatives Visit AUST to Explore Sustainability and Textile Innovation Initiatives Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) and GIZ signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to extend their partnership until December 2026 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Business Administration, Fall 2023 Routine for Semester Final Examination (MBA/EMBA): Spring 2024 আহ্ছানউল্লা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ইফতার মাহফিল ও দোয়া অনুষ্ঠিত Farewell Ceremony for outgoing Students of Spring Semester-2024 held Notification - Tuition Award (Sponsor Organization) Notification - Carry, Improvement Application Notification (Independence and National Day, Shab-e-Quadar, Jumatul Vida and Eid-ul-Fitr) Notification - Tuition Award (Sibling) Schedule of Semester Final Examinations: Spring 2024 MBA/EMBA Admission – Fall 2024 Semester is going on The MTB Presents AUST Inter-University Programming Contest (IUPC) 2025: A Battle of Minds Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Notification Regarding Office Hours During Holy Ramadan ADMISSION IN POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS FALL - 2024 SEMESTER


Date: 2014-03-10

Farewell program, Fall 2013

To bid farewell to the outgoing students, a program was held on 06 March 2014 in the Multipurpose Hall of AUST. Kazi Rafiqul Alam, President, Dhaka Ahsania Mission and Chairman, AUST Board of Trustees was present as the Chief Guest while Prof. Dr. M.H. Khan, Advisor of the university was the Special Guest on that occasion. Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Treasurer, AUST was present as the Guest of Honour. Prof. Dr. A.F.M. Anwarul Haque, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. M.A. Muktadir, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Mr. M. Abul Hussain, Advisor, Students Welfare and Prof. Dr. M. Shahabuddin, Proctor of the University were also present on the dias.

The program was presided over by Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-Chancellor, AUST.

All Heads of the Departments, Teachers, Officers and outgoing students were present in the auditorium.

The program started with the recitation from the Holy Quran.

At the very beginning, one outgoing student from each department spoke on their experience in this university. They expressed their gratitude to the Vice-Chancellor and teachers for giving them an academic environment and for imparting quality education during their stay in this university. They also praised the management for arranging co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like games, sports, picnic, seminars, exhibitions, etc from time to time. They also appreciated the teachers for their devotion in careful guidance which they will not forget.

Kazi Rafiqul Alam, President, Dhaka Ahsania Mission and Chairman, AUST Board of Trustees advised the students in his speech and said Though you are going to leave AUST being engineers, you must remember the contribution of the teachers who have imparted you quality education. Achieving degree is meaningless when someone fail to be good and honest in life. So you need be careful of that before starting your career with job.

Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-Chancellor said This is the memorable day of your life. You have worked hard during this time frame of 4/5 years here in AUST to achieve your first degree. After that you will find a real life where you need to be successful. You may become rich or powerful but that does not mean that you will be treated as successful in life. You have to target an aim in life. So, from this moment fix your target in your life and plan to achieve it. The job Market is now globalized and to get a better job you have to compete with the skilled people at home and abroad. So be ready to accept the challenge from this moment.

Prof. M.H. Khan said, The day we are passing is the day of your celebration as you are going to be engineers soon. You have enjoyed a lots a freedom here in the recent past four years. But remember when you start your career, you will find the life challenging where freedom will be restricted. You will find a vast way which has no end. You will have to go on with the strength of your achieved wisdom, discipline and skill."

Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Treasurer, AUST said You were welcomed here 4 years ago through a reception program and again we are bidding you farewell organizing a program. You have done your job well and we believe you will be able to reach your destination. I wish you become successful wherever you go. Make AUST proud through spreading it's name everywhere by your skilled service and your commitment to serve the people. 

There were inspiring speeches from Prof. Dr. A.F.M. Anwarul Haque, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. M.A. Muktadir, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Mr. M. Abul Hussain, Advisor, Students Welfare and Prof. Dr. M. Shahabuddin, Proctor that were well taken by the outgoing.