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Registration for the 12th Convocation of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) is going on and will continue up to 24 April 2025. Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2022 Strauss Representatives Visit AUST to Explore Sustainability and Textile Innovation Initiatives Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) and GIZ signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to extend their partnership until December 2026 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Business Administration, Fall 2023 Routine for Semester Final Examination (MBA/EMBA): Spring 2024 আহ্ছানউল্লা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ইফতার মাহফিল ও দোয়া অনুষ্ঠিত Farewell Ceremony for outgoing Students of Spring Semester-2024 held Notification - Tuition Award (Sponsor Organization) Notification - Carry, Improvement Application Notification (Independence and National Day, Shab-e-Quadar, Jumatul Vida and Eid-ul-Fitr) Notification - Tuition Award (Sibling) Schedule of Semester Final Examinations: Spring 2024 MBA/EMBA Admission – Fall 2024 Semester is going on The MTB Presents AUST Inter-University Programming Contest (IUPC) 2025: A Battle of Minds Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 The MTB Presents AUST Inter-University Programming Contest (IUPC) 2025: A Battle of Minds Notification Regarding Office Hours During Holy Ramadan ADMISSION IN POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS FALL - 2024 SEMESTER


Date: 2024-12-25

Orientation Program of the New Faculty Members

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) organized the Orientation Program for the new faculties. The program was held on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. in VC seminar room, Level:4, Block-D, AUST. The chief patron of the program was the Honorable Vice Chancellor of AUST, Prof. Dr. Md. Ashraful Hoque. Special Guests were Prof. Dr. Golam Rahman, Chairman, Board of Trustees (BoT) and President, of Dhaka Ahsania Mission, Special guest honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman, and the special guest Prof. Dr. Ruhul A Sarker, University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra campus, Australia

The program started with a warm welcome speech by Dr. Fakir Sharif Hossain, Additional Director IQAC, AUST. After the ice-breaking session, Prof. Dr. Sarwar Morshed, Director of IQAC, AUST, gave a welcome speech to the newly recruited faculty members.

Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Md. Ashraful Hoque shared his knowledge and practical skills with the newly joined faculty members during his teaching life and teaching approaches. Prof. Dr. Golam Rahman, Chairman, Board of Trustees (BoT) shared Ahsania Mission and the Philosophy of Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah.

The first session of the program was designed to orient newly recruited faculty members about AUST and its rules and regulations.  To orient with the financial rules and regulations of AUST, Prof. Dr. Sharmin Reza Chowdhury, Treasurer, AUST gave a brief presentation.

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hamidur Rahman Khan, Professor, Department of Arts and Science, AUST talked about service rules and regulations and role of a faculty in different departmental activities. Prof. Dr. Jasmin Ara Begum, Dean, Faculty of Architecture, AUST explained why collegiality among the Faculty Members is important and how it works to maintain a healthy professional life.  Prof. Dr. S.M.A. Al-Mamun, Director, Information and Communication Technology, AUST gave a presentation on ICT services available at AUST and library resources. Dr. Md. Shahnewaz Bhuiyan, Controller of Examinations (In-charge), AUST talked about examination procedures, the invigilator’s duties and responsibilities at the examination hall.

At the second session, Dr. Dewan Hasan Ahmed, Director, RPO, AUST gave a brief presentation on the research culture and the internal research grants of AUST. Prof. Dr. Ruhul A Sarker discussed research education. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman, Pro Vice-Chancellor, AUST talked about an introduction to good teaching. Prof. Dr. A. K. M. Baki, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, AUST gave a detailed presentation on effective class management.  The program was wrapped up and ended with a vote of thanks from Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed, Director of IQAC.