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Date: 2023-06-19

Workshop on PLC systems and 4th Industrial revolution organized by Dept. of EEE

A workshop titled ‘Workshop on PLC systems and 4th Industrial revolution’ was successfully organized by Dept. of EEE, AUST, on Thursday, 15th June, 2023 at MH khan Auditorium. This event was jointly organized by Dept. of EEE, AUST and Sincos Automation Technologies Limited to introduce industrial automation to final year students.

The workshop was conducted by Mr. Tasnim Sarwar Rad, Deputy General Manager, Sincos Automation Technologies Limited and Mr. Rakibul Hasan, Manager (Training & Development Solution), Sincos Automation Technologies Limited. Mr. Rifat Ahmed, Assist. Manager (Automation) and Mr. Sayed Tashfi Nowroz, Automation Engineer from Sincos Automation Technologies Limited were also present in the workshop.

Prof. Dr. Tareq Aziz, Head, Department of EEE was present as the chief guest of the event and other faculty members from Department of EEE as well as final year students were present in the workshop.

It may be mentioned that in recent years, Sincos Automation Technologies Limited has been largely involved in 4th Industrial Revolution with a focus on automation and digital transition in various sectors. In the two and half hours long event, Sincos Automation Technologies Limited showed the students hands-on demonstration on how to utilize Siemens PLC Systems. They also demonstrated Miniature Production Systems (MPS) and how different systems such as PLC, Pneumatics, Vision and others work together in integrated manner.