Date: 2024-12-08
For the first time,Nepal hosted an international engineering expo with participation from neighboring countries India and Bangladesh.Team Robo Bot V3 from AUST ROBOTICS CLUB represented Bangladesh in this competition.Team Robo Bot V3 shines bright in this competition as they earns the 1st runners-up position.
Battle Bot, 3v3 robo soccer, Racing Bot were the most exciting segments of this two day event.
The event was finished with prize giving ceremony in 7th December while it was started in 6th December of 2024.The team AUSTRC_Robo Bot V3 was competing in the 3v3 Robo Soccer segment.Though this was AUSTRC’s first ever international competition they were able to secure second place in the competition for Bangladesh.
The event was finished with prize giving ceremony in 7th December while it was started in 6th December of 2024.The team Robo Bot V3 was competing in the 3v3 Robo Soccer segment.Though this was AUSTRC’s first ever international competition they were able to secure second place in the competition for Bangladesh.
TOKI TAHMID: The leader,the R&D secretary of AUSTRC,the mastermind behind the bots.The primary bot was controlled properly by this qualified lad.
KHALID HASAN DROBO: The man,the connector without whom the team is immovable,Joint Secretary of AUSTRC.The goalkeeping bot was carefully managed by him.
SYED AHMED: The final piece of the puzzle,a respectful member of AUSTRC.The secondary striker bot was under his control.
This was the journey of the dreamers,who dreamed about robotics and many more and this journey was started from the place of brilliants,Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology.The AUST Robotics Club worked like the stairs and the team.
5th December was the day of departure of the team.After reaching there they got warm welcome from the authority.The event officially began on December 6th and despite having some setbacks about batteries,the team competed well to reach the final round.
Finally 7th December was the day for the last round,the day of excitement,the day of one last battle.The environment was set,the opponents were skillful and the match was tough.The team ROBO BOT V3 fought till the last breath,the match ended in a tie with leading to a unfortunate tri breaker.The luck didn’t support the team that day,the battery was completely drained out and the result of the match went for the opponent.
Still,for the hard fight the team got appreciation from the audience and they were invited again for the next year.
As this was the first ever attendance in an international competition for AUSTRC,this achievement means a lot.This will inspire the club to do better in future and obviously it will inspire the upcoming new members of this reputed club.