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Date: 2022-01-13

AUST EEE Graduate Topped the National Merit in 34th BCS


Md. Walid Bin Quashem, a unique achiever of AUST, is the first ever private university student to top the highly competitive selection of Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS). He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2016 as an Assistant Secretary. He is the only AUST alumni who earned Master of Studies in Diplomatic Studies from the prestigious University of Oxford in 2020. He was awarded with the Prime Minister’s Fellowship to study at the top ranked university of the world. Currently, he is representing the flag at the Embassy of Bangladesh in Paris and in the Permanent Delegation of Bangladesh to UNESCO.

Prior to joining as a career diplomat, Mr. Walid had been an active researcher in the field of renewable energy. After completion of his bachelors from AUST, he obtained M.Sc. in Renewable Energy Technology from the University of Dhaka. While pursuing his M.Sc. he joined the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources as an Assistant Director in 2013. At that capacity, he represented Bangladesh as one of the members of the SAARC Renewable Energy Expert Group.

His firm determination to pursue cutting-edge research helped him to achieve the prestigious Monozukuri Scholar position at the Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan where he joined the research team in the field of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.

Mr. Walid, a determined professional, further obtained certification in different areas including Renewable Energy (Asian Institute of Technology), Biomass Energy (Hiroshima University), and International Relations from the Clingendael Institute in the Netherlands, China Foreign Affairs University and the Foreign Service Institute in India. Mr. Walid also secured Nuffic Fellowship from the Government of the Netherlands and achieved professional certification in Multi-Level Water Governance.

Mr. Walid is a life member of the Oxford Alumni Association, JICA Alumni Association, Netherlands Alumni Association of Bangladesh and the Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh