Date: 2019-03-11
For academic purpose and as part of architectural means of symbolization AUTO CAD is an essential tool for the architectural students. The learning techniques and detailing serves and excels not only academic purpose but also builds up a major portion of professional field.
Aiming to provide that the students of third year first semester, a workshop was held on the 6th February, 2019 in the room no 4C02 at the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Twenty-three students from 3rd year 1st semester participated and six students Md. Asaduzzaman Mahi (5th year 2nd semester), Towqi Tahmid Rakin (5th year 2nd semester), Nakib Hasan Antor (5th year 1st semester), Mahir Chowdhury Aditya (5th year 1st semester), Ifteker Rashid Rafat (4th year 2nd semester) and Shahadat Hossain (4th year 2nd semester) conducted the workshop. Faculty members Ar. Zishan Fuad Chowdhury, Ar. Farjana Rahman and Ar. Sheikh Rishad Ahmmad from the Department of Architecture visited the workshop session.
The workshop commenced at 1 pm and finished at 2.40 p.m. The instructors conducted the whole session and delivered the lectures. They provided techniques and shared their experiences with the participants. The topics covered were drawing scale, sheet composition, alignment, rendering and others.
There was a question and answer session after the session that helped the participants to learn and enhance their knowledge about the topics.
At conclusion of the workshop, refreshments were provided to the participants. The whole event was organized by the Architecture Society of AUST (ASA).