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Date: 2024-01-31

Launching of the official Website of Alumni Association of EEE, AUST (AAAEEE)

The official website of the AUST Alumni Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AAAEEE) along with the developed club management tool were launched on December 30, 2023. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi, Vice-Chancellor, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology was present as the Chief Guest of the occasion. Prof. Dr. Tareq Aziz (Head of the Department of EEE), Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Ehtesanul Islam,  Prof. Dr. Bobby Barua (Director, P &D), Prof. Dr. Md. Meganur Rhaman (Advisor of the Students' Welfare), Prof. Omar Farrok,  and other distinguished Faculty Members were present during the inauguration ceremony.  

On behalf of AUST Alumni Association of EEE (AAAEEE) Governing body Mr. Zahidul Alam (President), Mr. Imtiaz Shafiq (Vice-President), Mr. Md. Rashed Khan (General Secretary), Mubashhir Ahmed (Treasurer), Mr. Hossain Shihab (Assistant General Secretary -1), Mr. Mohiuddin Ahmed Raju (Assistant General Secretary-2), Mr. Tahseen Hassan (Organizing & Technical Secretary), Mr. Zahid Hassan (Publication Secretary), Mr. Iftekhar Shahriar Aumio (Publicity Secretary), Mr. Tasik Hossain (IT & Technical Secretary) and other distinguished alumni were present.

The new website will be dedicated for the Alumni of EEE Department, AUST. Its main mission and vision will be to bring all the EEE alumni of AUST together in one platform with a target to have regular activities including cooperation, get-together, events, job fair, alumni welfare and so on.