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Undergraduate Admission Fall 2024 is going on Office Order - Tuition Award (RA Quota) Office Order - Tuition Award (FF Quota) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Master of Science in Mathematics, Fall 2023 The B.Arch Program offered by Deaprtment of Architcture, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology(AUST) has granted non conditional accreditation status for five years by Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB). Academic Calendar - Spring 2024 (Revised) Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Production Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Master of Science in Mathematics, Fall 2023 TENDER INVITATION Notification (Distressed Students' Welfare Fund) Tuition Award - HFTA (Revised) AUST held inauguration ceremony for its new bus service for students Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Fall 2023 Tuition Award - FFTA & HFTA (Revised) Payment Notice for MBA/ EMBA Program Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Fall 2023 এইচএমপিভি বা হিউম্যান মেটানিউমো ভাইরাস বিষয়ে সতর্কতা Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, Fall 2023 Graduate Notification: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Fall 2023


Date: 2023-12-31

Two students of CSE department have been awarded Khondaker Ahmed Muktadir and Mosammat Khodeza Begum Scholarship (Fall 22 Semester)

Fariha Zahin (Student ID- 190204007) and Nishi Kanta Paul (Student ID- 190204072), two students of CSE Department have been awarded ‘Khondaker Ahmed Muktadir and Mosammat Khodeza Begum Scholarship’ in the Fall 2022 semester. This marks the inaugural awarding of the scholarship.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fazli Ilahi, Vice-Chancellor of AUST, warmly congratulated the awardees and handed over a cheque of BDT 15,000/- to each recipient in a brief scholarship ceremony held in the Vice-Chancellor's office at AUST. Prof. Dr. Md. Shahriar Mahbub, Head of CSE Department, Prof. Dr. Kazi A Kalpoma, Professor, Mr. Md. Moinul Hoque, Associate Professor, Mr. Faisal Muhammad Shah, Associate Professor and Mr. Md. Aminur Rahman, Assistant Professor, CSE Department, were also present in the ceremony. The participants collectively extended their congratulations to the scholarship recipients for their outstanding achievements.

It's worth mentioning that AUST has established a trust fund of Taka 10 lacs for the awarding of scholarships, known as the ‘Khondaker Ahmed Muktadir and Mosammat Khodeza Begum Scholarship,’ funded by a generous donation from Mr. Gaohar Ahmed. Every semester, two students from the 4th year 1st semester of the CSE department are selected for the scholarships based on merit, reflecting their academic performances up to the 3rd year 2nd semester.