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Date: 2017-06-12

"AUST Hostel Iftar Mahfil-2017" was held on 6th June, 2017

"AUST Hostel Iftar Mahfil-2017" was held at AUST Cafeteria in the presence of a large number of boarders and guests on 6th June, 2017. The Executive Committee Members (ECM) of AUST Hall arranged the iftar party in order to observe the Holy Ramadan. Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Treasurer along with Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hamidur Rahman Khan, Proctor, Mr. Muhammad Abdul Gafur, Registrar; Prof. Md. Amirul Alam Khan, Exam Controller, Mr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain, Librarian; Dr. Ahmad Munir Hossain, Medical Officer, all Assistant Proctors, all Assistant Advisors of Students' Welfare, several University Officers & Staff, 140 Boarders of AUST Hostel and all hostel staff were present at the program. The program was followed by serving iftar and dinner packets to the participants. The program was conducted by A S M Fahad Hossain, Assistant Proctor and AUST Hostel Administrator. Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam, Treasurer and Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hamidur Rahman Khan, Proctor gave short speeches to the boarders, wishing them. Mr. Muhammad Abdul Gafur, Registrar conducted the dua-mahfil. At the Magrib time hostel boarder Mr. Abu Rayhan, student of IPE, gave azan and all boarders and guests had iftar together.