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Date: 2015-06-06

Orientation and reception ceremony Spring 2015

Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology organized a Reception and Orientation Program to welcome the newly admitted students of Spring Semester-2015. The Reception was held on 30th May 2015, Saturday at 09.30 A.M. in the Prof. Dr.M.H Khan Auditorium of the University, Tejgaon, Dhaka. The main purpose of the Program was to introduce the law and order of the University to the newly admitted students.

Guests are seen on the Dias at Orientation Program Spring Semester-2015

The Program was divided  into two phases. In first phase newly admitted  students of the Department of Architecture (Arch), School of Business (SoB), Civil Engineering (CE) & Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) were welcomed. It started at 09.30 A.M. In 2nd phase newly admitted students of the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)),Textile Engineering (TE), Mechanical & Production Engineering (MPE) were welcomed. It started at 11.00 A.M.

Mr.Kazi Rafiqul Alam, Chairman, BoT and President, Dhaka Ahsania Mission graced the Occasion as Chief Guest while Prof. Dr. M.H.Khan, Founder Vice-Chancellor and Advisor, AUST was the Special Guest on the Occasion. Prof. Kazi Shariful Alam, Treasurer, AUST was present as the Guest of Honor. Prof. Dr. M.A. Muktadir, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah, Dean, Faculty of Business & Social Sciences,  Prof. Dr. A.F.M Anwarul Haque, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. S.K.Biswas, Advisor of Students Welfare, Prof. Dr. M.Shahabuddin, Proctor, AUST, Mr. Muhammad Abdul Gafur, Registrar, AUST , Controller of Exam, AUST, Teachers and all newly admitted students of various Departments of Spring-Semester-2015 of Ahsanullah University attended the Program. The Program was presided over by Prof. Dr. A.M.M Safiullah, honorable Vice-Chancellor, AUST.

The Program started with the recitation from the verses of Holly Quran by Abu Shahab Mollah, Lecturer of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department. Then Advisor of the Students Welfare  Prof. Dr. S.K. Biswas welcomed the newly admitted students and delivered his opening speech. After that Proctor of the University Dr. M. Shahabuddin welcomed the students with congratulation.

Proctor of AUST speaking on the Occasion.

He said you all are meritorious and got chance here through the process of competition.  Beside engineering he also emphasized the subjects of Math, Physics, Sociology,, Psychology and others. He also described about the rules and regulations of the University. There is a Proctor Office to ensure the discipline for all the students and they should inform the office if any unnecessary harassment and ragging occur. He also mentioned this University is completely free from politics & smoking, playing cards are strictly prohibited here.

Mr.Muhammad Abdul Gafur, Registrar, AUST,  said, you are concerned with me about admission, Re-admission and others. . If you have any query about registration and correction feel free to contact with me.

Controller of Examination   emphasized on the  Academic discipline of the University. He said students are not allowed to leave Exam Hall before 1 hour and cell phones should be switch-off there. If any student adopt unfair means he/she will be expelled .  After that 4  new students from the Department of Architecture School of Business, Civil and Computer Science and Engineering expressed their feelings on the Occasion.

Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, delivering his speeching on the Occasion.

Prof.Dr.M.A.Muktadir, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning spoke after him. He said you have come to study one of the best Universities. Ahsanullah University now recognized in the world. The Department of Architecture of the AUST participated in a worldwide International Students Competition in Architecture design held in Texas A and M University, USA. There were 5 winners one from USA, three from China and one from Germany. Further, there were 9 Honorable mentions.  From Asia, only China and Bangladesh could find places in the award list. He also mentioned our boys are passing plan in USA , Canada and extending the name and fame of Ahsanullah University in home as well as in abroad.

Prof. Amanullah, Dean, Faculty of Business & Social Sciences delivered his speech after him. At first he mentioned about Prof. Dr.M.H. Khan and his contribution to the Ahsanullah University.  He advised the new students to go through text books, Library, journals and utilize the opportunity. Prof. Dr. A.F.M Anwarul Haque, Dean, Faculty of Engineering after him. He said we have a great hope for you. To fulfill your dreams you have to work hard. Education system is different here, coaching is not allowed and teachers are very helpful here, he mentioned.

Honorable Treasurer Dr.Kazi Shariful Alam speaking on the Occasion

Treasurer Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam in his speech read a brief sketch about Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah. He highlighted his contribution towards education and reformation of the society. He also said Ahsanullah University has proven that it is one of the best Universities in Bangladesh. He advised the students to be more serious about studies. We strictly follow few rules and you have to abide by the rules. No offence and ragging is allowed in this Institution. At last he again wished them all finished his speech.

Advisor of the University Professor M.H.Khan delivering his speech.

After that honorable special guest Prof. Dr. M.H. Khan were requested to give his speech. He said we started from zero level and expect you will keep up the reputation of the University. He advised the students to be more serious and listen to their teachers. He badly criticized coaching and emphasized on group study.  At last he wished all the newly admitted students once again and concluded his speech.

Honorable Chairman, Bot AUST & President , DAM, speaking on the Program.

Mr.Kazi Rafiqul Alam, Chairman, Bot, AUST & President DAM also spoke on the Occasion as Chief Guest after him. He welcomed all and said you are bored with advices but you are lucky to be here.. He said beside studies you have to gain human quality. He also mentioned about Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah and his life towards the society. He advised students to acquire knowledge and emphasized on setting up an aim of life and reach their destination. He also said Ahsanullah University has some rules and you have to follow the discipline. Smoking and other means of addiction are prohibited here. Without hard work you cannot  achieve in life. At last he wished them all the best and ended his speech.

Chairman of the session and Honorable Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Dr. A.M.M Safiullah delivering his valuable speeches

At last the Chairman of the session and Honorable Vice-Chancellor of the University delivered his valuable speeches. He welcomed all for the Orientation Program. He mentioned after hard work you have come here. He said the challenges we faced your challenges are different from that. We searched for jobs but you have to create your own job.  As Every year population is increasing in the world he emphasized on Poverty Alleviation, Eradication of  Unemployment and Reduction of CO2( Carbon-di-oxide). You are innovating the technology but the businessmen are using its fruits. So you need to become the businessmen. He also mentioned on  developing four things. To increase organizational capacity, to innovate technology, social business and to establish justice. Education should be utilized in proper field. He also said we believe in the Philosophy of Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah that to worship Allah and serve His Creation.

Besides, Head of all Departments, students, Teachers and all the employers of the University were present at the Program. After the central Program Departmental Program started. And these were organized by Departmental Heads. Many things were marked there, such as Academic Program, Course Curriculum, Exam System, Description of various semester fee, rules of Exam and different facilities etc.