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Sixth Convocation

6th Convocation of AUST Celebrated

Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST) celebrated its 6th convocation on 28 March 2013 at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.

Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid MP, Honorable Minister, Minister of Education, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh presided over the ceremony on behalf of the Honorable President, People's Republic of Bangladesh and Chancellor of AUST and conferred graduate and post-graduate degrees to 1117 students in different disciplines. Barrister Rafique-ul Huq former Attorney General of Bangladesh & Senior Advocate, Bangladesh Supreme Court graced the occasion as convocation speaker. Mr. Kazi Rafiqul Alam, President, AUST Board of Trustees (BoT) and Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah, Vice-Chancellor, AUST spoke on the occasion. The ceremony was conducted by Registrar Muhammad Abdul Gafur. Prof. Dr. Kazi Shariful Alam presented the name of students who received Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah Padak. Kazi Khurshidi Haque Dia and Riyad Morshed received this award for their outstanding academic attainment at AUST.

The convocation began with the national anthem and recitation from the holy Quran. At the start of the proceedings the Convocation observed one minute silence to mark their respect to the demised President of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and Chancellor of AUST Mr. Zillur Rahman.

A total of 1117 graduates were conferred bachelor and masters degrees in eight disciplines including Architecture, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Textile Engineering, Business Administration, Mathematics, and Education.

Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid M.P. expressed his immense pleasure to congratulate the graduating students and wished them a successful life. He mentioned that there are around seventy private universities in Bangladesh and Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology is one of the top leading universities among those.

Minister said that Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology has been maintaining the quality from its very inception in 1995 to build up a wealth of students who have been playing a vital role in contributing to the economic growth and development of the country. Already noted as one of the leading private universities of Bangladesh, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology has always been at the forefront in disseminating quality tertiary education and creating a knowledge base in Bangladesh, he added.

He also expressed his confidence that the AUST will continue its endeavor to equip the young learners with skills and knowledge of international standard and create tomorrow's leaders. 

Prof. Dr. Kazi Rafiqul Alam, Chairman, Board of Trustees, AUST (BoT) said in his speech that Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology is striving to maintain world standard quality education in teaching and research by providing an invigorating atmosphere and exposure to modern technology. He drew the kind attention of the Honorable Education Minister to get approval from the government for building two distinct universities in Rajshahi and Khulna.

Vice-Chancellor of AUST Prof. Dr. A.M.M. Safiullah congratulated all the graduates of AUST for their hard work and for achievement of the degree. He also congratulated the parents and the faculty members whose support and care made this achievement possible. He said in his speech that AUST has been striving hard to produce graduates who are capable of meeting the national and global challenges of this century.

Prof. Dr. Safiullah also said that the graduates from AUST have to utilize their education, knowledge and prudence for the welfare of the country and people. They must impose their knowledge to solve existing different problems in our country. He also mentioned that education is the key to unlocking someone's potentials. Our efforts towards unlocking these potentials have been rewarded with successful placement of our graduates in all corners of the globe and within the nation.

The Convocation Speaker Mr. Barrister Rafique-ul Huq said drawing attention of the graduates that "I feel proud to congratulate all of you. I sincerely believe that you worked hard with continuous support from your loving guardians and valuable knowledge and advice from your teachers towards your long study here. Remember, wherever you work in this globalized world, you can contribute to your nation."

In the convocation, Members of the AUST Trustee Board, Syndicate Members, Members of Academic Council, Finance and Disciplinary Committee, Deans of the Faculties of AUST, Heads of the Departments of AUST, distinguished Vice-Chancellors, teachers, officers and employees of AUST along with journalists were present in the gala convocation.

The Convocation was followed by a dinner party in the evening arranged in the university campus where the graduates along with the teachers, officers, staffs and some distinguished guests participated.

AUST Campus adorned with festive and decorative mood

6th Convocation Gallery