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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Prof. Dr. Md Nurul Absar Chowdhury

Designation: Professor


Office Extension: 268

Room No: 13

Research Interests

Educational Background

  • PhD in IPE, (Automation of Industrial Enterprises), Moscow State Automechanical University
  • Master of Science (MSc), (Production Engineering), Volgograd State Technical University

Honors and Achievements


Book Chapter
Journal Article
  1. Computational investigation of pulsatile blood flow through sinusoidal stenoses of varying lengths, IUT JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (JET), VOL. 14, NO. 1 DECEMBER 2018, 2018.
  3. “ Identification of machined surfaces using digital image processing”,, International Journal of Engineering. Issue X, 2012, Vol-1, pp 213-228, 2012.
  4. “Surface roughness optimization of EDM for circular copper electrode by RSM-GA approach”, International Journal of Engineering, 2012.
  5. Investigation of the effect of rectangular and trapezium cross section of gating system by CFD Simulation in permanent mould casting of Al-Alloy.”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Information Technique. Vol.-2, Issue-3 pp 4-8, 2011, 2011.
  6. “Design and Implementation of an Articulated Robotic Arm for Precise Positioning”, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 201-203 (2011) pp 1972-1977 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2011.
  7. “Development of microcontroller based controlling unit for flexible control of Robot Structure” ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS Vol. 2 Issue 6 2011 pp 105-108., ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS Vol. 2 Issue 6 2011 pp 105-108, 2011.
  8. “Detection, Categorization, and Assessment of Eye Cataracts Using Digital Image Processing”., International Journal of Computer, The Internet and Management (IJCIM), Vol.-19, No.SP-1, ISSN0858702, 2011, 2011.
  9. ”3-D Contour generation and determination of surface roughness of sheet and horizontally milled plate using Digital Image Processing., International Journal of Engineering, Vol.3 Issue 9 pp 127-130, 2011, 2011.
  10. Surface roughness characterization using digital image processing technique, 2010.
  11. “An Approach to Relate and Optimize Metal Forming Process Parameters by Fuzzy Logic”,, AMSE Journal, France, 2009, 2009.
  12. “Design of a Computer Vision Integrated Solid Handling System to Teach Manufacturing Automation to Third Year Undergraduate Students”,, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Volume-2, Issue-4,2008 Pages: 1139-1147, Australia (ISSN: 1991-81, 2008.
  13. “Development of a multi criteria and parameter Optimization tool for the Cutting Conditions for Turning process”, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia.,Vol-2, No.-1, pag, 2007, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya.
  14. “Surface quality improvement of a machined surface using a newly designed cylindrical Surface rolling tool”,, Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Multidisciplinary, Vol. Mul-dis 32, No. 1 December-2007, page: 103-108, 2007.
  15. “Development and evolution of a computer assisted real-time control system for a converted CNC lathe”,, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, Inderscience Publishers, USA, 2007, 2007, Inderscience Publishers,.
  16. "Designing and study of a Material Handling System with auto-synchronizing technique for flexible productivity control", International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), volume 3 issue 1, page 7-16, June 2006, 2006.
  17. "Simulation of the plastic field in the deformation zone of surface rolling tools under variable work hardening conditions", Journal of Engineering and Technology (JET), Vol. 5 No. 1 January-June 2006.Pages 1-20, 2006.
  18. ”Development of an Automated Process Planning system for a rectangular Milling Object” ", International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), volume 3 issue 3,page 58-63, December 2006, 2006.
  19. Development of an optimization technique by Fuzzy logic to predict the optimum process parameter for Deep drawing process" ”,, AMSE Journal, France, Best-of Book 2006 of AMSE Conferences, pp. 37-46, 2006.
  20. " Design and Construction of a coordinate measuring machine and computerized simulation of a measuring object with flexible means of performing accurate and fast dimensional inspection of objects", ournal of Mechanical Engineering, JME (IEB) IEB, Vol. ME 35, June issue 2006, page 67-76, 0.
  21. “Optimization of blank `holding force in deep drawing process by fuzzy logic”,, Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6 No. 1 January – June 2007, Islamic University of Technology (IUT), OIC, Bangladesh, pp. 29-39, 0, IUT OIC.
  22. “Development of a mathematical model for Elastic Field simulation during unloading condition in Surface Burnishing Processes”,, Journal of Engineering, TOME VI (2008), Page: 55-64, Annals of faculty of Engineering Hunedoara Romania, 2008, 0.
  23. “Ride Comfort of a 4 DOF Nonlinear Heavy Vehicle Suspension” I, SESCO JOURNAL of Science and Technology Volume 8, Number 13, May 2012 (80-85), 0.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Experimental analysis of heat transfer with CuO, Al2O3/water-ethylene glycol nanofluids in automobile radiator, AIP Conference Proceedings · July 2019, 2019.
  2. Life cycle assessment of a reciprocating engine power plant in Bangladesh, AIP Conference Proceedings 2121, 110001 (2019), 2019. URL
  3. LCA Model for Water Footprint for Reciprocating Engine (Re) Power Plant, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM), Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 12-13, 2019, 2019. URL