Study of Surface Roughness and MRR in Turning of SiC Reinforced Al Alloy Composite Using Taguchi Design Method, ANN and PCA Approach under MQL Cutting Condition, Advanced Materials Research, 2020.
Journal Article
Towards the adoption of AI, IoT, and Blockchain technologies in Bangladesh's maritime industry: Challenges and insights, Results in Engineering, 2025, Elsevier. URL
Investigation of mechanical, morphological and thermal properties of waste glass powder and wood flour reinforced polypropylene composite, Heliyon, 2025, Elsevier. URL
Performance evaluation of kevlar fiber reinforced epoxy composite by depositing graphene/SiC/Al2O3 nanoparticles, Hybrid Advances, 2024, Elsevier. URL
Mechanical characterization of mulberry silk reinforced hybrid composite for enhanced application, Results in Materials, 2024, Elsevier. URL
Exploring lean manufacturing drivers for enhancing circular economy performance in the pharmaceutical industry: a Bayesian best–worst approach, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2024, Emerald. URL
Machinability investigation of natural fibers reinforced polymer matrix composite under drilling: Leveraging machine learning in bioengineering applications, AIP Advances, 2024, AIP publishing. URL
Surface roughness and cutting force in turning of alkaline-treated banana fibre-reinforced polymer composite: Compressed air cutting, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2024, Sage. URL
Turning SKD 11 Hardened Steel: An Experimental Study of Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate Using Taguchi Method, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2023. URL
Assessing the barriers to lean manufacturing adoption in the furniture industry of Bangladesh: a fuzzy-DEMATEL study, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2023. URL
Environmental, Economical and Technological Analysis of MQL-Assisted Machining of Al-Mg-Zr Alloy Using PCD Tool, Sustainability, 2021. URL
Experimental Investigation of the effect of Cutting Parameters on Cutting Temperature using RSM and ANN in Turning AISI 1040, Global Scientific Journal, 2018.
Optimization of Machining Parameter for Surface Roughness in Turning GFRP Composite Using RSM-GA Approach, American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2018.
Predictive Modeling of Surface Roughness in MQL assisted Turning of SiC-Al Alloy Composites using Artificial Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, Journal of Advanced Research in Manufacturing, Material Science and Metallurgical Engineering, 2018.
Conference Proceedings
Investigation of Surface Roughness in MQL Aided Turning of AlCuZr Alloy using PCD Tool, Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability, 2021. URL