PhD, (Fluid Mechanics & Interfacial Science), Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Master of Science (MSc), (Mechanical Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Bachelor of Science (BSc), (Mechanical Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Honors and Achievements
Academic Visitor (2024-2025, Host: Prof. Yannis Hardalupas), Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK, 2024
Postdoctoral Research Associate (2024-2026), Imperial College London, UK, 2024
Runner-Up at UK Fluids Network (UKFN) Video Competition#13; (, UK Fluids Network, 2023
Research highlight in Nature Reviews Physics on published JFM paper (, Nature (editorial), 2023
Postgraduate Travel Grant Award to attend APS DFD 2022 (Indianapolis, USA), Old Centralians' Trust, UK, 2022
Postgraduate Travel Grant Award, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC), 2022
Commonwealth Scholarship to pursue PhD in the UK# Award ID: BDCS-2019-45, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK in conjunction with Imperial College London, 2019
Research Grant (USD 70,000)#Sub-project on Regenerative Braking System on Automobile#DSPM, Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP)- Jointly supported by Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, and World Bank (WB), 2014
Bachelor's Degree with Honours, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), 2011
University Merit Scholarship (7 terms, 2007-2011) & Dean's List Award (2007&2011) at UG Level, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), 2011
Education Board Scholarship-Secondary School Examination, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 2004
National Scholarship in Talent Pool in 8th grade, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 2001
National Scholarship in General Category in 5th grade, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, 1998
Book Chapter
Journal Article
Non-simultaneous impact of droplet pairs on solid surfaces, Physics of Fluids, 2024, AIP Publishing. URL
Simultaneous impact of droplet pairs on solid surfaces, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023, Cambridge University Press. URL
Suppression of wetting transition on evaporative fakir droplets by using slippery superhydrophobic surfaces with low depinning force., Scientific Reports, 2023, Nature. URL
Enhancement of pool boiling heat transfer over plain and rough cylindrical tubes., International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2021. URL
Turbulent heat transfer enhancement in tubular heat exchangers with different twisted tape inserts., Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, 2021. URL
Numerical study of wetting stability and sliding behavior of liquid droplets on microgrooved surfaces., Colloid and Polymer Science, 2019, Springer Nature. URL
Multi-objective optimization of chip-tool interaction parameters using Grey-Taguchi method in MQL-assisted turning., Measurement, 2018, Elsevier. URL
Numerical study of energetics and wetting stability of liquid droplets on microtextured surfaces., Colloid and Polymer Science, 2017, Springer Nature. URL
Effect of angle of attack on an optimized vortex induced vibrated energy harvester: A numerical approach., AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016, AIP Publishing. URL
Conference Proceedings
Central sheet formation from simultaneous impacts of two droplets on a dry substrate, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Kobe, Japan, 2023, ICMF.
Wetting transition of evaporating fakir drop on microstructured superhydrophobic surfaces: model development and validation in Surface Evolver., HEFAT-ATE, 2022. URL
Characteristics of multiple droplet impacts on solid surfaces., ILASS Europe, 2022. URL
Simultaneous impact of multiple droplets on a solid surface., Micro and Nano Flows, 2021.
Drive cycle of heavy vehicles in Dhaka city: a case study., 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering, 2018. URL
Study of heat transfer enhancement in tubular heat exchanger with twisted tape inserts., 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering, 2018. URL
Analysis of the energetics and stability of liquid droplets on textured surfaces with square micropillars., HEFAT, 2017. URL
Design and development of an electric hybrid rickshaw., International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2011. URL
Simultaneous impact of two droplets on a solid Surface: central sheet evolution and splashing, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2022, American Physical Society. URL