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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2023-10-27

Webinar on "Introduction to HVAC Systems"

On October 26, 2023, the ASHRAE AUST Student Branch successfully organized a webinar titled "Introduction to HVAC Systems" in collaboration with one of the oldest and biggest US-based global commercial air conditioning product manufacturers named DunhamBush , Malaysia. We would like to thank our guest speaker Mr. Azizul Hafiz, Assistant Product Marketing Manager, Dunham-Bush Malaysia, for sharing his intellect and expertise on the ground of HVAC system. Heartiest thanks goes to our special guests Prof. Dr Mazharul Islam, Head of the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, AUST, Dr. Mohammad Sarwar Morshed, Professor of Mechanical and Production Engineering, AUST, Engr. Md. Hasmotuzzaman , the immediate past president of the ASHRAE Bangladesh Chapter and our chief guest Engr. Faruque Ahmed, the President of the ASHRAEBangladesh Chapter for sharing their experience and expertise and for making the session more versed with their presence. We would also like to thank our Advisor Prof. Dr. Mahbubul Muttakin sir , Associate Professor of the Department Of MPE, AUST, for assisting to accomplish such a successful event. All of their kind presence and gracious words has encouraged to take such initiatives further.