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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2023-05-08

Orientation Program for the Newly Admitted Students of Fall 2022 Semester of ME Program of the MPE Department

An orientation program for the new students of Fall Semester-2022 was held on Saturday, 6th May 2023 at R#8C03. Prof. Dr. Mazharul Islam, Head of the Department of MPE, AUST attended the program as the Chief Guest and delivered a short presentation about the introduction of the MPE department to the newly admitted students. Prof. Dr. Dewan Hasan Ahmed and Prof. Dr. Sarwar Morshed spoke on the program as the Special Guest. Dr. Mahabubul Muttakin, Associate Professor, Dept. of MPE, also provided a speech to the students on this program.

Snaps of faculties and Students present during the Program

The honorable faculty members of the MPE department and the students of Level-1, Term-1 were present. Mr. Md. Syed Shaheer Uddin Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Dept. of MPE, anchored the program.

Lastly, the faculty members of the MPE department handed over flowers and bags to the newly admitted students. The program finally ended up giving lunch boxes to all of them.