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Department of

Mechanical and Production Engineering

Date: 2019-11-12

AUST Mars Rover has attended two international competitions: ERC 2018 was held at Poland and IRC 2020 was held at India.

AUST MARS ROVER team is a collaboration of core engineering sectors (Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Civil engineering) and fundamental science. Crew members of this team are individually motivated and passionate to accumulate a rover by improving the sectors such as structure, power system, communication, data collection, lab test etc.

Team mars rover with Faculty Advisors

European Rover Challenge (ERC) 2018: The competition date was 13-15 September 2018. AUST MARS ROVER secured 26th position among the 65+ teams worldwide and managed to become 4th in Asia.

International Rover Challenge (IRC) 2020: The competition date was 16th January 2020. AUST MARS ROVER secured 15th position worldwide.

2018 ERC:

Faculty advisor: Dr. Mohammad Harun-Or-Rashid,Dr. Dewan Hasan Ahmed, Mr. Azmyin Md. Kamal, Mr. A S M Fahad Hossain, Mr. Md. Istiaque Rahaman.

Students Member: Mubin, Abid, Pial, Rian, Nafe, Pranto, Protik, Nahid, Reisan, Prottoy, Mokit, Sujon, Pongti, Hasan.

2020 IRC

Faculty advisor: Dr. Mohammad Harun-Or-Rashid.

Students Member: Mubin, Abid, Pial, Rian, Pranto, Tashreef, Jim, Arafat, Faraz, Rafat, Nahid, Reisan, Marleen , Disha

Media coverage:

The daily Ittefaq: Click here

Demonstration Video: Click here