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Department of

Textile Engineering

Dr. Chowdhury Jony Moin

Designation: Associate Professor


Office Extension: 721

Room No: 14

Research Interests

  • Outcome based education
  • Industrial Safety Culture
  • Textile and Clothing Operations Management
  • Textile and Clothing Supply Chain
  • Sustainable Textile Products

Educational Background

  • Ph.D, (Industrial and Production Engineering), Department of Industrial and Production Engineering
  • Masters in Engineering (MEngg), (Supply chain), Department of Industrial and Production Engineering
  • Bachelor in Engineering (BEngg), (Textile Engineering), College of Textile Technology

Honors and Achievements


Book Chapter
  1. Textile & Apparel Dictionary (English to Bengali & English), 2011, Amin & Jahan Corporation.
Journal Article
  1. Exploring the manufacturing flexibility issues to build a framework to implement the manufacturing flexibility of a supply chain: a review, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2024, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. URL
  2. Unleashing the power of manufacturing flexibility: enhancing performance in Bangladesh's ready-made garment industry., Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2024, Emerald. URL
  3. Investigating Root Causes of Sewing Defects Using TQM Tools for Quality Improvement in the Knit Garment Industry., Textile & Leather Review, 2023. URL
  4. Prioritization of Environmental Uncertainty and Manufacturing Flexibility for Labor-Intensive Industry: A Case Study on Ready-Made Garment Industries in Bangladesh., Systems, 2022, MDPI. URL
  5. Time-Based Process Mapping for Lead Time Compression in the Apparel Supply Chain: A Case Study, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 2020, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences. URL
  6. Performance variation with time of apparel sewing workers: a case study, European Scientific Journal, 2018, European Scientific Institute. URL
  7. Implementation of an operating procedure for quality control at production level in a RMG industry and assessment of quality improvement, The journal of the Textile Institute, 2018, Taylor \& Francis. URL
  8. Maximising the purchaser's satisfaction through supply chain upstream management, International Journal of Operational Research, 2017, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. URL
  9. Investigation of a Hybrid Production System for Mass-Customization Apparel Manufacturing., Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 2013. URL
  10. Quality assessment of large blotch printed polyester/cotton blend fabric with disperse/reactive dye over pigment dye., Institutional Engineering and Technology (IET), 2012, Green Global Foundation©. URL
  11. Process capability analysis: An effective tool for assessment of yarn manufacturing process., Institutional Engineering and Technology (IET), 2012, Green Global Foundation©. URL
  12. Determining the most frequent defects for circular weft knitting fabric machines: A case study., Journal of Innovation & Development Strategy (JIDS), 2011, Green Global Foundation©. URL
  13. A statistical Approach: Elimination of stripping process from dyeing process., Journal of Innovation & Development Strategy (JIDS), 2011, Green Global Foundation©. URL
  14. Study on Computer integrated method in Bangladeshi Textile Industry., Journal of Innovation & Development Strategy (JIDS), 2010, Green Global Foundation©. URL
  15. Existing supply chain frame work of garments industry of Bangladesh., Southeast University Journal of Science & Engineering (SEUJSE), 2009, Southeast University.
  16. Process for level dyeing of 100% cotton knit fabrics with reactive dye., Journal of Innovation & Development Strategy (JIDS), 2009, Green Global Foundation©. URL
Conference Proceedings
  1. A case study on line balancing techniques for apparel sewing line., 1st International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM), 2017, IEOM Society of Bangladesh. URL
  2. Assessment of labor skill and development of labor skill matrix for sewing section of an apparel industry., 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy, ICMERE-2017, Chittagong, 2017, CUET, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chittagong. URL
  3. Effect of flat speed of carding machine on quality of card sliver and yarn., International Scientific Conference “Innovative solutions for sustainable development of textiles industry”, 2011, University of Oradea, Rumania.
  4. Improving performance of the cutting section applying lean tool: A case study of a Bangladeshi Knitwear Company., International Scientific Conference “Innovative solutions for sustainable development of textiles industry", 2011, University of Oradea, Rumania.
  1. Implementation of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for upstream management of apparel supply chain, 2013, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE). URL