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Kazi Fazlur Rahman Library

Notification (KFR Library of AUST is open from 08:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. from August 25, 2024) | KFR Library Organizes Information Literacy Session on “Effective use of KFR Library Resources in Research and Scholarly Communication” For the students of level 4/1 of the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering of AUST During Fall-2022 Semester | KFR Library Organizes Information Literacy Session on “Effective use of KFR Library Resources in Research and Scholarly Communication” For the students of 4/1 and 4/2 level of Department of Textile Engineering, AUST | BoT Chairman Inaugurates Digital Access Centre and Koha- Integrated Library Management Software at AUST Library | BoT Chairman Inaugurates Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah Corner at KFR Library | Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology has been getting access to IEEE Xplore Digital Library and Emerald Journals/Archives through UDL Consortium of Bangladesh with full downloading facility.
What's new:

Library circulation/borrowing policy

  1. Every graduate student may borrow up to 3 books/items for 10 days based on the availability, and may renew once for next 7 days;
  2. Every undergraduate student may borrow 2 books/items for10 days based on the availability, and may renew once for next 7 days;
  3. No undergraduate or graduate student will be allowed to reissue the same book/item for the 2nd time, instead other copies of the same title may be considered complying policy 1 & 2;
  4. A notification/sms alert will have to be sent to the patron using auto mailing/sms system of ILMS at least two days before of the due date;
  5. If a student fails to return borrowed item(s) within the due date, Tk. 10.00 (Taka Ten) per day fine will be charged for each item. KFR Library officer will assess the total fine amount and will recommend to deposit in a scheduled bank referred by AUST to get clearance;
  6. If the students fails to deposit dues, clearance will not be issued;
  7. There will be no restriction to use reference and confined resources in the Reference books/resources may be issued for 2 hours and Tk. 10.00 will be charged for each hour of delay in returning;
  8. A Core or Visiting Faculty Member may borrow up to 15 books and related materials for the whole semester; bound journals, magazines, and audiovisual materials for one week; and current issues of journals and magazines for overnight use only. Before starting the next semester all borrowed books need to be returned and reissued, if needed;
  9. Part-time faculty with full course load may borrow up to 5 books with related materials for the whole semester. At the end of each semester they must return the books and other borrowed items to the library;
  10. Library will send a list of part-time faculty members and students to the Finance and accounts department who haven’t returned library resources in due time;
  11. Officers of the university may borrow up to three books with accompanying materials at a time for a maximum of two weeks, with the option to renew for another two

Lost Book replacement policy

  1. If a book/learning resource is lost, damaged, misused partially or fully by any patron it will need to be replaced with latest edition material. If a higher edition is not available in the market, the same edition may be accepted with better quality in publication i.e. newspaper will be replaced by whitepaper If the material is not available in the market, 3 times worth of the original price of the book/resources will have to be deposited in the scheduled bank referred by AUST to get clearance;
  2. Total process will have to be completed generally within 5 working