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Department of

Textile Engineering

Student Organization

Extra and co-curricular activities have been a fundamental and integral part of AUST to nurture the talents and potential of students to help them become agile and resilient in professional life. Through different co-curricular activities, students engage in team works, collaborations which make them a better team player as professionals.


The policy of the institution/department:

AUST Textile Society represents and promotes the welfare and interests of all students of the Department of Textile Engineering (DTE), Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST). Some of the aims and objectives are as follow -

  • To encourage students of DTE, AUST to participate in cultural, organizational, community, social and religious activities.
  • To establish a positive and friendly relationship among teachers and students.
  • To strengthen the relationship between different universities and foster a sense of community.
  • To broaden student knowledge and understanding of the academic environment and professional career opportunities in settings outside the classroom.
  • To arrange co-curricular and extra-curriculum activities to enhance the competence of the students of DTE, AUST.
  • To identify and cultivate leadership abilities of individual students.

An executive committee is formed in every semester to plan, organize and conduct the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the students of the Department.In the executive committee, there are 4 (four) faculty members and 20 (twenty) students, 1 (one) student from each section. The duration of the committee is one academic semester. The selection procedure of the executive committee is as follows:




Selection Procedure


Head of the Department of DTE, AUST

By designation


Faculty Member (in the rank of Assistant Professor or above)




Nominated by the Head of the Department

Vice President

A student from 4thyear 2ndsemester

Should know the activity, experience, and leadership skills

General Secretary

A student from 4thyear 1stsemester

Should know the activity, experience, and leadership skills

Co-opt Member (co-curricular)

Faculty Member (in the rank of lecturer or above)

Co-opt Member (extra-curricular)

Faculty Member (in the rank of lecturer or above)


One student from each section (Sec A, Sec B and Sec C) of each semester (1stsemester and 2nd semester)of allacademic year (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th). Member will be selected based on merit (CGPA). If the highest CGPA holder does not accept the membership offer, the next highest CGPA holder will be offered.

Nominated by the class teacher


The Executive Committee (EC) is responsible for the activities of the society and acts as the administrative body of the society. The EC can propose meetings for planning and organizing activities, ensures the success of all planned activities and can appoint sub-committees to carry out planned activities.

Extra- and co-curricular activities:

The Executive Committee arranges different types of events in each semester and motivates students to take part. The activities are as follows - 

  • Merging business and education in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership where teachers, as well as students, can participate and give opinions, ideas and these will help the society to reach out its destination.
  • Organizing different campus events including fresher reception, farewell, cultural program, religious festival, celebrating national occasions, quiz competition, debate competition, photography competition, different kinds of seminars, different types of games like football, cricket, badminton, table tennis, carom board and chess tournaments and contemporary issues.
  • Helping needy students.
  • Publishing magazine, wall magazine on various occasions in every semester.


Professional society activities:

The Department of Textile Engineering was a corporate member a renowned professional society named The Textile Institute, Manchester, the UK from2010 to 2014. An initiative has been taken recently to resume the corporate membership which will allow students of this Department to obtain free student membership and participate in various international events, scholarship program, and activities.