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Department of

Textile Engineering

Date: 2022-12-05

Weave 2.0: Textile National Fest, 2022

The achievement of students from Department of TE 

The Department of Textile Engineering, KUET organised a two-days long event named ''Weave 2.0: National Textile Fest' on 25-26th November, 2022 at KUET Campus. In that event, total more than 400 students participated from 50 different universities. The event was comprised of 8 segments having lucrative prize money of 160K+ in total. The event will light up with segments of

  • Case Crackerjack
  • Project Mania
  • Poster Presentation
  • Gaming Contest
  • Photography
  • Textile Olympiad
  • Fashionflix

The main vision of this mega event is to encourage students, academicians, and researchers from different universities and institutions to spread the importance of sustainability in textiles. Total 74 students of the Department of Textile Engineering, AUST participated in different segments of that event.

Figure: Student of Department of TE, AUST in Weave 2.0: National Textile Fest

The Textile Olympiad segment was the most attractive part of this event. The students of Department of TE, AUST have achieved the top 3 positions in this segment among the hundreds of competitors. Nure Arfi  the students of 4th year 1st semester has secured the 'Champion' position,Mohammed Rafin Bhuiyan, the students of 4th year 1st semester has secured  the '1st runner-up' position and  Rafio Ahmed, the student of 2nd year 2nd semester has secured the '2nd runner-up' position in the Textile Olympiad segments.

Figure: Champion: Nure Arfi (Student of 4th year 1st semester, TE)


Figure: 1st Runner-up: Mohammed Rafin Bhuiyan (Student of 4th year 1st semester, TE)


Figure: 2nd Runner-up: Rafio Ahmed (Student of 2nd year 2nd semester, TE)


We congratulate all of them and wish a better and glorious future