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Department of

Textile Engineering

Date: 2022-06-26

Fresher’s Orientation, Fall 2021 (DTE)

An orientation program for newly admitted students of B. Sc. in Textile Engineering Program, Fall-2021 semester was held on 23rd May 2022 (Monday) at the textile department. The event started at 12.30 P.M. Head of the department Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral, faculty members, and administrative staff welcomed the new members of the AUST family.

An overview of the textile department was presented by the faculty member, Mr. Muksit Ahamed Chowdhury, Associate Professor of the department. Initially, he introduced all the faculty members, laboratories, and classroom facilities of the textile department. Subsequently, a summary of the whole textile field, the alumni of this department, and future scopes of the job fields were discussed.

In the mid of the program, the head of the department, Prof. Dr. Lal Mohan Baral discussed the curriculum along with class routine, examination system, payment of semester fees, attendance in the classes and facilities available in the department, disciplinary and penalty-related issues. He also pointed out different challenges, scopes, and opportunities of textile engineering education and its future aspects.

In the last part of the program, a general discussion was held with the guardians of the newly admitted students. After ending the session guardians were entertained with snacks, tea, and water.