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Department of

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Prof. Dr. Bobby Barua

Designation: Professor


Office Extension: 602

Room No: 409

Research Interests

  • Wireless Communication
  • Optical Communication
  • Satellite Communication

Educational Background

  • Ph. D in EEE, (Communication Engineering), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
  • Master of Science (MSc), (EEE), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc), (EEE), Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

Honors and Achievements

  • Dean List of Honor, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, 2002
  • Junior Merit Scholarship, Dhaka Board, 1993


Book Chapter
Journal Article
  1. Prospects Challenges Of Bangabandhu Satellite-2, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications - IJANA, 2022, Eswar Publications. URL
  2. Joint energy and latency-sensitive computation and communication resource allocation for multi-access edge computing in a two-tier 5G HetNet, International Journal of Information Technology, 2022, Springer.
  3. Low Index Silicon Photonic Directional Coupler: Design and Characterization, Journal of Optoelectronics and Communication, 2022.
  4. Comparative Study on Various Modulation and Coding Techniques Relevant to Bangabandhu Satellite-2, Journal of Advancement in Communication System, 2022, HBRP. URL
  5. Performance Analysis of FBMC and UFMC Technology in 5G Mobile Cellular Communication Systems, Journal of Advancement in Communication System, 2022, HBRP. URL
  6. Performance Study on OFDM and FBMC Technology in 5G Mobile Cellular Communication, Journal of Advancement in Communication System, 2022. URL
  7. Feasibility Study of Bangabandhu Satellite--2, Recent Trends in Information Technology and its Application, 2022. URL
  8. Modeling of Low Contrast Silicon Optics Split Ring Resonators, Journal of Optoelectronics and Communication, 2022.
  9. Analytical performance evaluation of a 2$\times$ 2 Alamouti STBC OFDM FSO-communication system over turbulent atmospheric channel, Optik, 2021, Elsevier.
  10. Energy Balance Power Factor Correction with Boost Regulator, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences, 2021.
  11. Analysis of LDPC Coded OW Communication Performances with Two Different Channel Models, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2021.
  12. Geometry and Characterization of Low Index Silicon Micro Ring Resonators, Integrated Optics and Lightwave: An International Journal (OPTLJ), 2021, AIRCC Publishing Corporation. URL
  13. Design of a Low Index Silicon Micro Ring Resonators, International Journal of Optics and Photonics, 2020, International Journal of Optics and Photonics.
  14. FDM FSO communication system with coherent heterodyne optical receiver under strong turbulent condition, Journal of Optics, 2020, Springer.
  16. Analytical Performance Evaluation of Coherent Detection Optical Receiver over Direct Detection in OFDM Wireless Optical Communication System under Turbulent Condition, Trends in Opto-Electro & Optical Communications, 2020, STM Journals ( A division of Consortium eLearning Network Pvt Ltd. URL
  17. Impact of Pointing Error on the BER Performance of an OFDM Optical Wireless Communication Link over Turbulent Condition, Journal of Optical Communications, 2020, De Gruyter.
  18. Bit Error Rate Analysis of an OFDM Subcarrier Modulated FSO Link with Optical Intensity Modulation and a Direct Detection Receiver, International Journal of Optic and Photonic Engineering, 2019, VIBGYOR Publishers.
  19. BER Performance Analysis of an LDPC Coded OFDM Optical Wireless Communication System with Intensity Modulation and a Direct Detection Receiver, Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks, 2019, Science Publishing Group.
  20. Analytical Performance Evaluation of a STBC Coded OFDM FSO Communication System over Turbulent Atmospheric Channel, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2019, Springer.
  21. Performance Analysis of a STBC FDM FSO Communication System with Direct Detection Receiver under Turbulent Condition, Journal of Optical Communications, 2019, De Gruyter.
  22. Analytical Performance Evaluation of a MIMO FSO Communication System with Direct Detection Optical Receivers under Turbulent Condition, Integrated Optics and Lightwave: An International Journal (OPTLJ), 2018. URL
  23. Performance analysis of a multiple subcarrier modulated FSO communication system using direct detection optical receiver under the effect of weak atmospheric turbulence, Journal of Optical Communications, 2018, De Gruyter.
  24. Performance analysis of multiple-input multiple-output free-space optical systems with partially coherent Gaussian beams and finite-sized detectors, Optical Engineering, 2016, International Society for Optics and Photonics.
  25. Evaluate the Effect of Non linearity in Multi-mode Optical Fiber, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2016. URL
  26. Evaluate the performance of Optical Cross Connect Based on Fiber Bragg Grating under Different Bit Rate, arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.3008, 2012.
  27. Evaluate the Performance of WSK-DWDM transmission system with the combined effect of Cross-Phase Modulation and Stimulated Raman Scattering, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Applied Sciences, 2012. URL
  28. Analysis the Performance of Transceiver Circuits for Pulse Based Ultra Wideband, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2012, IACSIT Press.
  29. Error probability analysis of free-space optical links with different channel model under turbulent condition, arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.3006, 2012.
  30. Effects of four wave mixing on an optical WDM system by using dispersion shifted fibre, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2012.
  31. Performance Analysis of a Bi-Directional DWDM Optical Transmission System, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), 2012. URL
  32. Analysis the Performance of Coded WSK-DWDM Transmission System, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2012.
  33. Optical Cross Connect based on Fiber Bragg Grating, AUST Journal of Science & Technology, 2011, AUST.
  34. Performance Analysis of an Multiple input/Multiple output Free-space Optical System with Q-ary Pulse-Position Modulation, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Sciences and Engineering, 2011. URL
  35. Comparison the performance of free-space optical communication with OOK and BPSK modulation under atmospheric turbulence, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), 2011.
  36. Evaluate the Performance of a LDPC Coded FSO System Employing Q-PPM as Modulation, 2011.
  37. Performance evaluation of different type of channel models in fso communication, International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386, 2011.
  38. Channel Capacity of an LDPC Coded MIMO FSO System with Q-ary Pulse-Position Modulation under Strong Turbulent Condition, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Sciences and Engineering, 2011. URL
  39. Analysis the performance of Multi-Carrier CDMA system with Fading and Interference, 2011. URL
  40. Evaluate the Performance of Optical Time Division Demultiplexing with the Gain Saturation effect of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2011, IACSIT Press.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Analytical Evaluation of BER Performance of an UWB Communication System Using Dual Carrier Modulation and Space Diversity, International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies 2021 (ICSCT 2021), BUBT, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2021.
  2. Energy and Latency-Aware Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation for a Multi-Access Edge Computing-Enabled Heterogeneous Network, International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies 2021 (ICSCT 2021), BUBT, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2021.
  3. Optimal Positioning of Macro Base Station: An Approach to Ensure Optimal Coverage of Small Cell in HetNet, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), Bangalore, India, 2021.
  4. Optimal Radio Resource Allocation in Small Cells for a Massive IoT Network: An mMTC Perspective, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), Bangalore, India, 2021.
  5. Analysis the performances of LDPC coded FSO Communication under Two Different Channel Model, Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers, Aston University of Birmingham, UK, 2015.
  6. Renewable Energy and its Future in Bangladesh, International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering 2013, 2013.
  7. Under-Water Acoustic Communication: Sound Propagation and Data Acquisition, International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education ICERIE 2013, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2013.
  8. Power Factor Improvement in a Three Phase Circuit by using Vienna Rectifier and Buck-Boost Converter, International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education ICERIE 2013, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2013.
  9. Power Factor Correction Using Boost Converter, International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education ICERIE 2013, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2013.
  10. Performance Analysis of FSO Communications with Gamma-gamma and Negative Exponential Atmospheric Turbulence Model under Different Format of PPM Modulation Mapper, International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education ICERIE 2013, Sylhet, 2013.
  11. Performance of Q-ary Pulse Position Modulation Free-Space Optical Communications using Gamma-gamma and Negative Exponential Atmospheric Turbulence Model, 1st International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011.
  12. Transceiver Circuits for Pulse Based Ultra Wideband, International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2011.
  13. Free-space Optical Communication System under Strong Turbulence with Q-ary Pulse Position Modulation, International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education, Sylhet, Bangladesh, 2011.
  1. Optimal Coverage and Bandwidth-Aware Transmission Planning for Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, 2021.
  2. The measurements for optimal small cell base station positioning considering 5G cellular network, 2021.
  3. Analytical Performance Evaluation of a LDPC and STBC Coded FDM FSO Communication System under Turbulent Atmospheric Channel, 2018.
  4. BER Performance Analysis of an OFDM FSO Communication System over Atmospheric Turbulent Channel with Coherent Heterodyne Optical Receiver, 2018.
  5. Analytical Performance Evaluation of an LDPC Coded FSO Communication System under Strong Atmospheric Turbulence, 2018.
  6. Error Performance Analysis of RF Subcarrier Adjusted FSO Communication Framework over Robust Environmental Disturbance, 2018.
  7. Analytical performance evaluation of a multiple subcarrier modulated FSO communication system with coherent optical receiver under strong atmospheric turbulence, 2017.
  8. RF Subcarrier Modulated Free Space Communication System with Coherent Optical Receiver under Weak Turbulent Condition, 2017.
  9. Analytical performance evaluation of a RF subcarrier modulated optical FSO system under the influence of atmospheric turbulence, 2016.
  10. Tidal Energy and its Prospects in Bangladesh, 2016.
  11. Free-space optical communication with M-ary pulse position modulation under strong turbulence with different type of receivers, 2015.
  12. Free Space Optical Communication with OOK and BPSK modulation under different turbulent condition, 2013.
  13. Performance analysis of an LDPC coded FSO communication system with different modulation technique under turbulent condition, 2012.
  14. Performance analysis of an LDPC coded FSO communication system with different modulation technique under turbulent condition, 2012.
  15. LDPC coded FSO communication system under strong turbulent condition, 2012.
  16. Evaluate the effect of FWM on the performance of an M-ary WSK-DWDM transmission system with the energy efficient convolution code, 2012.
  17. Evaluate the effect of Stimulated Raman Scattering in DWDM transmission system with direct detection binary WSK receiver, 2012.
  18. Evaluate the performance of FSO communication link with different modulation technique under turbulent condition, 2011.
  19. Analysis the performance of a LDPC coded FSO system with Q-ary pulse-position modulation, 2011.
  20. Channel capacity of MIMO FSO system under strong turbulent condition, 2011.
  21. Performance analysis of a LDPC coded multiple input/multiple output free-space optical system with Q-ary pulse-position modulation, 2010.