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Department of

Arts and Sciences

What's New

Lab Information

Chemistry Lab

Under the department of Arts and Sciences, AUST, there are two chemistry laboratories (Chemistry Lab 1 (Room: 5B01) and Chemistry Lab 2 (Room: 5B02)) for the undergraduate students of Engineering courses. Both the laboratories are well equipped and organized for conducting undergraduate chemistry sessional classes.

Chemistry Lab

Physics Lab

Studying physics courses develop the foundation of technological advances and play a significant role in many engineering/scientific areas. The Physics labs are aligned with the basic courses. The intended goal is to enhance the understanding of course contents. When students perform experiments they will better understand physics and realize for themselves how physics laws work in real life. Two Physics labs (Lab 1 and Lab 2) are designed under the department of Arts and Sciences for the fulfillment of course contents.

Physics Lab
Experiment by Meter bridge

English Language Lab

English Language Laboratory of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology allows the students of different departments to practice different activities of English language learning. English language lab classes were designed to give students the opportunity to use English language in real-life situation. The lab is well equipped with all the facilities to practice activities that help students to improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of English language.   

English Language Lab