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Department of


Ms. Nujaba Binte Kabir

Designation: Assistant Professor


Office Extension: 243

Room No: 3C01

Research Interests

  • Shape Grammar
  • Mosque Architecture
  • History of Bengle Architecture
  • Temple and Church Architecture
  • Conservation and Heritage

Educational Background

  • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil), (Architecture), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), (Architecture), The Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

Honors and Achievements

  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduate School’s Scholarship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007
  • Half tuition award for 1 semester, Department of Architecture, AUST, 1999
  • Full free tuition award for 1 semester during B.Arch in AUST, Department of Architecture, AUST, 1998


Book Chapter
Journal Article
  1. Disaster Management and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Nine Dome Mosque of Sultanate Mosque of Bengal., International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2025. URL
  2. Designing for Sustainability: Environmental Impact of Vertical Green Systems on the West Facade using Innovative Techniques: A Building Case in Dhaka.(As second author), International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2024. URL
  3. Architectural Conservation Proposal of Kashinath Bhaban: A Vivid Example of Colonial Architecture in Bengal (As Second author), Journal of Creative Space, 2020. URL
  4. Compare and Contrast the two approaches: The ‘Conventional Approach’ and the ‘Computational Approach’ described by Stiny and Mitchell 1978, for Analyzing and Architectural style, Journal of Creative Space, 2019, Chitkara University, India. URL
  5. Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Western Arts from 18th Century to Onwards, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS), 2019, IASET. URL
  6. Shape Grammar: Analysis & Generation of the Grammar of Glenn Murcutt’s House Style, The AUST Journal of Science and Technology, 2013, AUST.
  7. Chinese wood frame buildings and the changing dimensions of their structural components in different time periods,, The Journal of Design and Built Environment, 2012. URL
Conference Proceedings
  1. The Grammar of Sultanate Mosque in Bengal Architecture,, Research Monograph, 2012, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.. URL