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Department of


Head of the Department

Architecture is a multi-dimensional activity involving several study disciplines such as the arts, the sciences, the construction technologies and so on. Architecture is concerned with the design and constructions of buildings in their sociological, technical and environmental contexts. It is also recognized as one of the top intellectual disciplines being linked with one of the largest sectors of investment in the economy of the construction sector. Bachelor of Architecture program aims at attaining a high level of contextual excellence in architectural design. Both theory and studio exercises are viewed as the core of the program with crucial inputs provided by experts specializing in the fields of arts, humanities, engineering and technology and professional practice of architecture. Thus, the design studios constitute the core of the B. Arch program. The design studios run all through the five years of the B. Arch curriculum. Through these studio works, students are able to develop a sense of logical thinking about the design problems as well as develop a sense of understanding about the building functions, building aesthetics and environmental sustainability. There is increasing recognition of architecture as one of the largest sectors of disciplines, an art form, and a technical profession intimately linked with one of the largest sectors of investment in the economy. Among others, these skills include drawing, architectural presentation, research and report writing, computer applications, technical and managerial aptitudes in problem  definition and solution seeking.

Through this five year program we expect to impart broad based architectural education which we believe, would serve as a window to multiple careers choices and job opportunities depending on personal interests of the students in the public, private and multinational corporate sectors. Since the Bachelor of Architecture degrees program of AUST is recognized internationally, a number of our students are accepted for advanced studies in the finest universities abroad. Since 2016 the Architecture Department offered the M. Arch program.

Dr. Rumana Rashid

Dr. Rumana Rashid

Professor and Department Head,

Department of Architecture