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Department of


Dr. Maher Niger

Designation: Associate Professor


Office Extension: 241

Room No: 3C01

Research Interests

  • Architecture
  • Public Open Space
  • Landscape Urbanism
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Urban Mobility and Accessibility

Educational Background

  • Ph.D, (Urban Design), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
  • Master of Science (MSc), (Urban Planning And Management), University of Twente, The Netherlands
  • Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), (Architecture), Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

Honors and Achievements

  • Erusmus Mundus mobility for Asia (EMMA) scholarship, EMMA, 2009


Book Chapter
  1. Rationalizing public transport system: A Euro Asian perspective, 2019, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing..
Journal Article
  1. Integrating Metro Stations with the Adjacent Urban Fabric Using TOD Principles: A Case of Agargaon Metro Station, Dhaka, Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 2024. URL
  2. The Revitalization of Farashgonj as a Cultural and Heritage Town, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2023. URL
  3. Rationalizing Public Transport System of Dhaka City: Proposal of Creating a Multimodal Hierarchical Transport Network to Reduce Traffic Congestion, Nakhara: Journal of Environmental design and Planning, 2019. URL
  4. The Strategic Design Approaches for Chittagong Hill Areas to Reduce Risks of Landslides and Exploring the Opportunity of Tourism Development, Nakhara: Journal of Environmental design and Planning, 2017. URL
  5. Preserving urban roots: The case of Shakhari Bazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Nakhara: Journal of Environmental design and Planning, 2013. URL
  6. Deficiencies of existing public transport system in Dhaka city and a proposal for integrated hierarchical network as an improvement options, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 2013. URL
  7. Transformation and changing trend of urban living spaces: A case of Dhaka city, Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (AJASE), 2012.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Community based approaches to resilience: Response to vulnerability of coastal habitat in changing, International Conference on Disaster Risk Management, 2019.
  2. A Study of the Land Use Planning and Transportation Planning of Dhaka Region to Explore Possibilities of Transit Oriented Development, BDI International Conference “Bridging the Policy-Action Divide: Challenges and Prospects for Bangladesh, 2013.
  3. Urban Landscape and Cultural Practices at Streets: Study on Place Attachment to the Shopping Streets of Dhaka., International Seminar on Urban Culture Arte-Polis: Creative Culture and the Making of Place, Bandung, 21-22 July 2006, 2006.
  1. Accessibility analysis of Green Network of Dhaka city: a syntactic approach, The 1st international online space syntax PhD conference, 2021.
  2. Green Network for Dhaka City: Green Spaces as Network of Social Spaces for Health and Well-Being of Urban Residents, International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA-2020), Alanya, Turkey, May 06-08, 2020, 2020.
  3. Rationalizing public transport: a Euro - Asian perspective, 2011.
  4. New Ideas for Architectureal Pedagogy Revealed, 2006.