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School of Business

Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam

Designation: Professor


Office Extension: 301

Room No: 7C01/2

Research Interests

  • Firm Competitveness and Growth

Educational Background

  • Ph.D, (Business Administration), Jahangirnagar University
  • Other, (Professional Accounting), University of Western Sydney
  • Master of Commerce (MCom), (Management), University of Dhaka
  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), (Management), University of Dhaka

Honors and Achievements

  • 16th position in the Combined Merit list, Rajshahi Board, Pabna Cadet College/Rajshahi Board, 1989


Book Chapter
Journal Article
  1. Evaluating Industrial Dispute Resolution Methods: An Empirical Study, Evaluating Industrial Dispute Resolution Methods: An Empirical Study, 2024, Public Knowledge Project. URL
  2. Weaving a greener future: The impact of green human resources management and green supply chain management on sustainable performance in Bangladesh's textile industry, Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 2024, ELSEVIER. URL
  3. Unveiling the Effects of ICT Adoption in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh Based on Technology-Organization-Environment Framework, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS), 2024, e-article. URL
  4. An Analysis of Technology-Organization-Environment Effects on ICT Adoption in the Apparel Industry of Bangladesh, Barishal University Journal of Business Studies, 2021, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Barishal. URL
  5. Examining adoption of Electronic Human Resource Management from the perspective of Technology Organization Environment Framework, IEEE Engineering Management Review, 2021, IEEE. URL
  6. Examining the role of environmental corporate social responsibility in building green corporate image and green competitive advantage, International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 2021, Springer Nature. URL
  7. The Impact of Monitoring Mechanism on Efficiency Change and Productivity Growth of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh, European Scientific Journal, 2021, European Scientific Institute, ESI. URL
  8. Understanding the interplay of behavioral aspects of firm competitiveness: a case of apparel industry of Bangladesh, International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management, 2020, Inderscience Publishers. URL
  9. Explaining Firms’ Behavioral Intention towards Environmental Reporting in Bangladesh: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior, Journal of International Business and Management, 2020, Research Publishing Academy (RPA). URL
  10. Examining Organisational Learning Intentions: An Illustration of Theory of Planned Behavior in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh, Pacific Business Review International, 2019, Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University. URL
  11. Addressing the impact of population pressure on carbon dioxide emissions: From the perspective of the interplay among output, population, and carbon emission, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2017, Inderscience Publishers. URL
  12. Statement of Misrepresentation: Vitiate Contract, Green University Review of Social Sciences, 2014, Green University of Bangladesh. URL
  13. Customers’ Preferences towards Domestic and Foreign Products in Bangladesh: An Evaluation, Jagannath University Journal of Business Studies, 2013, Jagannath University. URL
  14. An Empirical Study on Dispute Resolution Methods (DRM): Special Emphasis on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Journal of Economics and Development Studies, 2013, Institute of Productivity Improvement and Quality Management. URL
  15. Economic Activities, Carbon Emission and Renewable Energy Technology Adoption: A comparative Study between China and India, The Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research, 2013, Institute of Business Administration (IBA-JU). URL
  16. A Note on the Causal Link among Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission in China, Jagannath University Journal of Business Studies, 2011, Jagannath University. URL
  17. The Relationship between Carbon-di-Oxide (CO2) and Economic Growth, The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 2011, Chittagong University. URL
  18. E-Governance in Bangladesh: A Way Forward to Digital Bangladesh, Asian Studies, The Journal of the Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, 2011, Jahangirnagar University. URL
  19. An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Electricity Consumption and the Economic Growth: A case Study of Bangladesh, Journal of Business Studies, Southeast University, 2010, Center for Business Research, Southeast University. URL
  20. Stock Market and Economic Advancement: A case on Dhaka Stock Exchange, Bangladesh, The Accountant, The institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh, 2010, The institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh. URL
  21. CSR Practices of Multinational Companies: A Case on GrameenPhone, Journal of Patuakhali University of Science and Technology, 2010, Patuakhali University of Science and Technology. URL
  22. The Role of Information and Communication Technolgies (ICTs) in Delivering Higher Education, Journal of International Education Studies, Canada, 2010, Canadian Center of Science and Education. URL
  23. E-trading and Stock Market in Bangladesh: Problems, Prospects and Way Forward, The Accountant, The institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh, 2010, The institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh. URL
  24. Major Barriers of e-Commerce Development in Bangladesh-A Customers’ Perception, Lok Proshason Samoeeky (Quarterly Journal of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre), 2008, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre. URL
Conference Proceedings