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School of Business

Publication List

Title Type Journal Name Year Author URL
Leveraging Green HRM to Foster Organizational Agility and Green Culture: Pathways to Enhanced Sustainable Social and Environmental Performance Journal Article Sustainability 2024 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
AI Capability and Sustainable Performance: Unveiling the Mediating Effects of Organizational Creativity and Green Innovation with Knowledge Sharing Culture as a Moderator Journal Article Sustainability 2024 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Evaluating Industrial Dispute Resolution Methods: A Case Study of Bangladesh Journal Article European Scientific Journal 2024 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Exploration of the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Its Performance in the Bangladeshi Microfinance Sector with Organizational Innovation as a Mediating Factor Journal Article European Scientific Journal 2024 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
How Financial Literacy Impacts Financial Well-Being: The Influence of Financial and Technical Efficacy Journal Article International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 2024 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Justice: Bridging Sociology, Law, and Education Journal Article Library Progress International 2024 Mr. Md. Shak Forid Paper Link
Determinants of customer-based brand equity on brand image: The moderating role of tourism management and advertisement Journal Article Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review 2024 Mr. Md. Shak Forid Paper Link
Unveiling the Effects of ICT Adoption in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh Based on Technology-Organization-Environment Framework Journal Article Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (APJIS) 2024 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Evaluating Industrial Dispute Resolution Methods: An Empirical Study Journal Article Evaluating Industrial Dispute Resolution Methods: An Empirical Study 2024 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Weaving a greener future: The impact of green human resources management and green supply chain management on sustainable performance in Bangladesh's textile industry Journal Article Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 2024 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Unlock Success: How the Organizational Culture Plays a Mediating Role between Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance Journal Article MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management 2024 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Exploration of the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Its Performance in the Bangladeshi Microfinance Sector with Organizational Innovation as a Mediating Factor Journal Article ESJ Social Sciences 2024 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Role of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) in Borrower Graduation: Bangladesh Perspective Book Department of Management, University of Dhaka 2024 Dr. Parul Akhter
How Financial Literacy Impacts Financial Well-Being: The Influence of Financial and Technical Efficacy Journal Article International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 2024 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Nexus of environmental accounting, sustainable production and financial performance: An integrated analysis using PLS-SEM, fsQCA, and NCA Journal Article Environmental Challenges, (Journal of Environmental Management) 2024 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal Paper Link
Capital Structure and Profitability: Evidence from China Journal Article 2023 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
CEO age and working capital management: evidence from China Journal Article International Journal of Corporate Governance 2023 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
The effects of abusive supervision on the behaviors of employees in an organization Journal Article Social Sciences & Humanities Open 2023 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Value Relevance for Nonfinancial along with Financial Information: A Study of Selected Listed Companies of Bangladesh Journal Article Bank Parikrama: A Journal of Banking & Finance 2023 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Impact of Corporate Characteristics on Voluntary Disclouser : A Managerial Insight Journal Article Polish Journal of Management Studies, Indexed by SCOPUS, ESCI etc. 2023 Mr. Md. Mahfujur Rahman Paper Link
Factors Affecting Customers’ Intention towards Online Purchase: An Empirical Study on Bangladesh Journal Article The Retail and Marketing Review indexed by Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index) 2023 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Fostering Employee Commitment: The Role of Psychological Contract Journal Article Asian Journal of Management 2023 Ms. Sabreya Khanom Zuma
Internet and Women: Does the Internet Influence Women’s Empowerment? Journal Article Journal of International Business and Management (JIBM) 2023 Ms. Sabreya Khanom Zuma Paper Link
Sustainable Banking Practices and Their Development: A Study on Banks Operating in Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Business and Development Studies (JBDS) 2023 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal Paper Link
Financial and non-financial disclosures on sustainable development: The mediating role of environmental accounting disclosure practices Journal Article International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management 2023 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal Paper Link
Factors influencing the environmental accounting disclosure practices for sustainable development: A systematic literature review Journal Article International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management (IJFAM) 2023 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal Paper Link
Assessing the impact of blockchain technology on the overall performance of sustainable supply chains: an analytical perspective Journal Article Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Mediation of Technology Adaptation Capabilities between the Relationship of Service Quality and Satisfaction: An Investigation on Young Customers towards E-Commerce in China Journal Article IEEE Access 2023 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Circular value creation: business models and supply chain strategies Journal Article Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2023 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Investigating the Intention to Use FinTech for Sustainability using UTAUT Model: A Case of University Students Conference Proceedings 6th International Conference on Business and Economics, University of Dhaka 2023 Ms. Nahida Sultana
Student Satisfaction and Retention: Impact of Service Quality and Digital Transformation Journal Article Marketing and Management of Innovations 2022 Mr. Md. Shak Forid Paper Link
Need for Whistleblowing and Its Policies: A Literature Review Journal Article Information and Knowledge Management 2022 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Student Satisfaction and Retention: Impact of Service Quality and Digital Transformation Journal Article Marketing and Management of Innovations, Indexed by Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), Publon 2022 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
The nexus between Social Media Marketing Efforts and Overall Brand Equity in the Banking Sector in Bangladesh: Testing a moderated mediation model Journal Article Journal of Internet Commerce, Indexed in Scopus (Q1), Web of Science, ABDC Ranked Journal 2022 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Unpacking the influence of Social Media Marketing Activities on Brand Equity in the Banking Sector in Bangladesh: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Brand Experience and Perceived Uniqueness Journal Article International Journal of Information Management Data Insights; Indexed by Scopus (Q1), Cite Score: 9.9 2022 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Examining the Effect of Consumption Values on Mobile Banking Adoption in Bangladesh: The Moderating Role of Perceived Security Journal Article Kybernetes, Impact Factor: 2.35; Indexed by SCI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Q2), CiteScore: 3.7 2022 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Microfinance in Bangladesh: A Review Book Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib and Human Resource Management, University of Dhaka. 2022 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Impact of Financial Management Decisions on the Profitability of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Management on Building Organizational Sustainability and Resilience, University of Dhaka. 2022 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Prospective Solution of Today’s Fraud Risk where Dark triad Personality is in the Executive Ranks. Journal Article Global Mainstream Journal of Law, Diplomacy, Psychology & Social Sciences 2022 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal Paper Link
STUDENT SATISFACTION AND RETENTION: IMPACT OF SERVICE QUALITY AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Journal Article Marketing and Management of Innovations 2022 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan Paper Link
Examining Factors Affecting Citizens' Intention to use Open Government Data: A Case of Bangladesh Journal Article Bangladesh University Journal 2022 Ms. Nahida Sultana
Gravitating toward Supply Chain 4.0 Journal Article Cogent Engineering, Indexed in Web of Science (ESCI) & Scopus, (Q2), Taylor & Francis 2022 Ms. Nahida Sultana Paper Link
Evaluating the Potential and Challenges of IoT in Education and Other Sectors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Bangladesh Journal Article Technology in Society, Indexed in ABDC rank, SSCI & Scopus, (Q1), Elsivier 2022 Ms. Nahida Sultana Paper Link
Blockchain Implementation Challenges in Developing Countries: An evidence-based systematic review and bibliometric analysis. Journal Article Technology Innovation Management Review 2022 Ms. Rasheda Akter Rupa
Fundamental Analysis of DSE Listed Islamic Banks in Bangladesh Journal Article DIU Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship 2022 Ms. Rasheda Akter Rupa
Impact of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) on Business Performance and Environmental Sustainability: Case of a Developing Country. Journal Article Business Perspectives and Research 2022 Ms. Rasheda Akter Rupa
The Impact of Monitoring Mechanism on Efficiency Change and Productivity Growth of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh Journal Article European Scientific Journal 2021 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Uncovering Opportunistic Earning Management Practices by the Listed Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh Journal Article South Asian Journal of Management 2021 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Bank efficiency and practice of earnings management: a study on listed commercial banks of Bangladesh Journal Article Asian Journal of Accounting Research 2021 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Analyzing the effects of public finance and money supply on macroeconomic variables - especially on inflation Journal Article International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2021 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
The Impact of Monitoring Mechanism on Efficiency Change and Productivity Growth of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh Journal Article European Scientific Journal 2021 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
An Analysis of Technology-Organization-Environment Effects on ICT Adoption in the Apparel Industry of Bangladesh Journal Article Barishal University Journal of Business Studies 2021 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Examining adoption of Electronic Human Resource Management from the perspective of Technology Organization Environment Framework Journal Article IEEE Engineering Management Review 2021 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Examining the role of environmental corporate social responsibility in building green corporate image and green competitive advantage Journal Article International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility 2021 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Extent of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from Bangladesh Journal Article The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB). Indexed by ESCI, SCOPUS etc. 2021 Mr. Md. Mahfujur Rahman Paper Link
The impact of social media marketing activities on brand equity in the banking sector in Bangladesh: the mediating role of brand love and brand trust Journal Article International Journal of Bank Marketing, Impact Factor: 5.494; Indexed by SSCI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus, Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List - A ranking 2021 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
The Role of Social Media Marketing on Overall Brand Equity in the Telecommunication Sector in Bangladesh: A Moderated Mediation Model of Brand Love and Value Co-creation Journal Article International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM)-Indexed by Scopus (Q1), Web of Science (ESCI). 2021 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Application of UTAUT Model to Assess Mobile Banking Adoption Behavior: A Case Study on Bangladesh Journal Article MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management 2021 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Factors influencing Mobile Banking Adoption Behavior in Bangladesh Journal Article SMART Journal of Business Management Studies 2021 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
The impact of service quality on user satisfaction: A case study of selected public libraries in Bangladesh Journal Article EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) 2021 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Exploring the Role of Soft Skills in Advancing the Employability of Business Graduates in Bangladesh. Journal Article Journal of International Business and Management 2021 Ms. Sabreya Khanom Zuma Paper Link
Efficiency and Productivity Measurement for Sustainability of Listed Textile Companies in Bangladesh: Application of Data Envelopment Analysis Journal Article Journal of Innovation in Business Studies (JIBS) 2021 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal Paper Link
Factors influencing the adoption intention of using mobile financial service during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of FinTech Journal Article Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021 Ms. Nazma Akter Paper Link
Organic Foods Purchase Behavior among Generation Y of Bangladesh: The Moderation Effect of Trust and Price Consciousness Journal Article Consumer and Food Choice 2021 Ms. Nazma Akter Paper Link
Strategic Management in Bengali Book 2021 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Fundamentals of Management in Bengali Book 2021 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Industrial Relations and Dispute Settlement in Bengali Book 2021 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Human Resource Management Book 2021 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Machine Moderators in Content Management System Details: Essentials for IoT Entrepreneurs Journal Article Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 2021 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Customer's Attitude toward Mobile Banking Usage: A Case Study in Bangladesh Journal Article The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, Indexed in Web of Science & Scopus, (Q2) 2021 Ms. Nahida Sultana Paper Link
Exploring the benefits and challenges of Internet of Things (IoT) during Covid-19: a case study of Bangladesh Journal Article Discover Internet of Things, Springer 2021 Ms. Nahida Sultana Paper Link
Role of Women Director on Productivity Performance: A Study on Listed Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh Journal Article American International Journal of Business and Management Studies 2020 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
External Auditors' Judgment towards Short-term Earnings Management Practices: Evidence from Bangladesh Journal Article The Cost and Management 2020 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Explaining Firms’ Behavioral Intention towards Environmental Reporting in Bangladesh: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior Journal Article Journal of International Business and Management (JIBM) 2020 Ms. Salma Akter Paper Link
Analyzing the impact of monetary policies on macroeconomic variables, especially on real output Journal Article Journal of Advances in Management Research 2020 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Explaining Firms’ Behavioral Intention towards Environmental Reporting in Bangladesh: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior Journal Article Journal of International Business and Management 2020 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Understanding the interplay of behavioral aspects of firm competitiveness: a case of apparel industry of Bangladesh Journal Article International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management 2020 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Corporate Stakeholders’ Groups and their Demands for Nonfinancial Information Categories: A Case of Bangladesh Journal Article Bangladesh Open University Journal of Business Studies (BOUJBS) 2020 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam
Does corporate social responsibility reputation influence consumer behavior of bank customers? Journal Article Journal of Patuakhali Science and Technology University 2020 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Role of Women Director on Productivity Performance: A Study on Listed Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh Journal Article American International Journal of Business and Management Studies 2020 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Determines of Key factors for Performance of Microfinance Institutions: A Study of Some Selected Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh Journal Article Pacific Business Review International 2020 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Role of Women Director on Productivity Performance: A Study on Listed Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh Journal Article American International Journal of Business and Management Studies 2020 Ms. Rifat Parveen Bokhari Paper Link
Gender Inequality on the Uses of the Internet: A Study of Dhaka City of Bangladesh Journal Article European scientific journal 2020 Mr. Jahangir Alam Paper Link
The Effects of Job Crafting on Employee Retention: The Mediating Role of Proactive Personality. Journal Article International Journal of Business and Management Review 2020 Ms. Sabreya Khanom Zuma Paper Link
External Auditors’ Judgment towards Short-Term Earnings Management Practices: Evidence from Bangladesh Journal Article The Cost and Management 2020 Ms. Shayma Sadia Nurin
Total Quality Management Book 2020 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Measuring the Performance of e-Primary School Systems in Bangladesh Journal Article I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science 2020 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Artificial Intelligence Driven Crypto Currencies Journal Article Global Disclosure of Economics and Business 2020 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Designing Social Networking Mobile App for Diabetes Management Conference Proceedings International Conference on Information Resources Management 2020 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Influences of Non-economic Responsibilities on Economic Responsibilities: A study on Consumers of Banking Industry in Sylhet. Journal Article ILIRIA International Review 2020 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Treasury Management: A Systematic Literature Review Journal Article International Journal of Management 2020 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Ethical Issues on Utilization of AI, Robotics and Automation Technologies Journal Article Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature 2020 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
The Interactive Approach to Working Capital Knowledge: Survey Evidence Journal Article International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 2020 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Liberalization of Business Organisation in Bangladesh Meeting the Development Challenges of the Millennium – A Critical Review Journal Article 2019 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Examining Organisational Learning Intentions: An Illustration of Theory of Planned Behavior in the Apparel Sector of Bangladesh Journal Article Pacific Business Review International 2019 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Neuromarketing : A New Avatar in Branding and Advertisement Journal Article Pacific Business Review International 2019 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Investigating the Effect of Relationship Marketing on Customer Satisfaction: Evidence from the Banking Industry of Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Banking and Financial Services 2019 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Analysis the Profitability of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh Journal Article European Journal of Business and Management 2019 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Evaluating the link between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Employee Engagement: Evidence from Selected Commercial Banks of Bangladesh Journal Article 2019 Ms. Rifat Parveen Bokhari
Occupational Health and Safety and Productivity in RMG of Bangladesh Others 2019 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Factors Influencing Human Resource Outsourcing: Beyond the Boundary of Traditional Human Resource practices Journal Article Journal of Management 2019 Mr. Jahangir Alam
Green Management in SMEs of Bangladesh: Present Scenario, Implementation Obstacles and Policy Options. Conference Proceedings International Cnference on "Towards Sustainable Tomorrows (TST2019): From Sound Concepts to sound Practice," 2019 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Hasinomics: The Development Model of Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Management 2019 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Socio Economic Impact of Tea Workers in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study Journal Article Journal of Business, Society and Science 2019 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
The Reasons of Preferring E-recruitment Media: An Empirical Study on Job Seekers of Bangladesh Journal Article BUP Journal 2019 Ms. Nahida Sultana
Customers‟ Perceptions about Plastic Money towards Sustainable Banking in Bangladesh: A Technological Adoption Journal Article International Business Research 2019 Ms. Nahida Sultana
Blood Donation Systems in Journal Bangladesh: Problems and Remedy Journal Article International Journal of Business and Management 2019 Ms. Rasheda Akter Rupa
Workforce Diversity Management: A study on Dong-Bang Textile Ltd., Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies 2018 Mr. Mashiur Rahman
Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in the Banking Sector: A Systematic Review Journal Article International Journal of Accounting Research 2018 Mr. Mashiur Rahman Paper Link
Measuring the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices on Brand Equity in the Banking Industry in Bangladesh: The Mediating Effect of Corporate Image and Brand Awareness Journal Article International Journal of Bank Marketing, Impact Factor: 5.494; Indexed by SSCI (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus, Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List - A ranking 2018 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
A Study on the Factors Affecting the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh Journal Article Pacific Business Review International 2018 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
HR Governance for Sustainable Human Resource Development: Evidence from Private Sector of Bangladesh Journal Article European Journal of Business and Management 2018 Ms. Sabreya Khanom Zuma Paper Link
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure Practices and Banks Financial Performance: A Study on the Listed Commercial Banks (PCBs) in Bangladesh. Journal Article Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka) 2018 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal
The influence of brand equity on customer intention to pay premium price of the fashion house brand Journal Article Management Science Letters 2018 Ms. Rownak Jahan Paper Link
"Sustainability Reporting of Green Financing: A study of The Listed Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh." Conference Proceedings "Finance for Sustainable Growth and Development" 2018 Ms. Nazma Akter
“Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure Practices and Banks Financial Performance: A Study on the Listed Commercial Banks (PCBs) in Bangladesh.” Journal Article Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka) 2018 Ms. Nazma Akter
Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention Based on Service Quality : Local Tourists’ Perspectives at Cox’s Bazar Bangladesh Journal Article BAUET Journal 2018 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Analyzing the impact of social media: A study on online shoppers of apparel companies in bangladesh Journal Article Global Journal of Management And Business Research 2018 Ms. Nahida Sultana
Consumer buying behavior towards online shopping: An empirical study on Dhaka city, Bangladesh Journal Article Cogent Business & Management, Indexed in ESCI & Scopus, (Q2), Taylor & Francis 2018 Ms. Nahida Sultana Paper Link
The Factors Affecting Preference of E-recruitment Media: An Empirical Study on Job Seekers of Bangladesh Conference Proceedings 3rd International Research Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences-MY Chapter, University of Malaya 2018 Ms. Nahida Sultana
Addressing the impact of population pressure on carbon dioxide emissions: From the perspective of the interplay among output, population, and carbon emission Journal Article International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 2017 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Information Need for Corporate Stakeholders: An Analytical Review Journal Article European Journal of Business and Management 2017 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Factors Affecting Green Purchase Behavior of Bangladeshi Customers: A Study on Energy Saving Lamp Journal Article The AUST journal of Science and Technology 2017 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Self-banking technology adoption: A comparison among three self- banking technologies in Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Patuakhali Science and Technology University 2017 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
"Customers' Attitude towards Non-deceptive Counterfeit Mobile Phone in Bangladesh: A Study on Dhaka City Journal Article Pacific Business Review International 2017 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Determinants of Customer Loyalty in Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh Journal Article Global Journal of Management and Business Research 2017 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
An Assessment of the Relationship between Total Quality Management and Organizational Performance: A Study on Textile and RMG Industry of Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2017 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Does Good Corporate Governance Practice have Impact on the Financial Performance? Evidence from Private Banks of Bangladesh. Journal Article The Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) Corporate Professional Journal 2017 Ms. Sabreya Khanom Zuma Paper Link
Sustainability Reporting on Green Financing: A Study of the Listed Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. Journal Article Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka) 2017 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal
“Prospective Solution of Today’s Fraud Risk where Dark triad Personality is in the Executive Ranks” Journal Article Business Review –Bangladesh. 2017 Ms. Nazma Akter
“Sustainability Reporting on Green Financing: A Study of the Listed Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh” Journal Article Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka) 2017 Ms. Nazma Akter
Evaluating the Usability of Web-based Course Management Systems: A Case Study in Bangladesh Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 2017 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
An Impact Analysis of Volatility in oil price on Economy of Bangladesh Journal Article North East University Bangladesh Journal 2017 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Analyzing the effectiveness of online recruitment: A case study on recruiters of Bangladesh Journal Article Asian Business Review 2017 Ms. Nahida Sultana Paper Link
Comparative Corporate Governance and Convergence with Revised OECD Principles: A Study on Bangladesh Journal Article Pacific Business Review International 2016 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Corporate Reporting Concept and the Emergence of Nonfinancial Information Reporting: A Literature Review Journal Article Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 2016 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Ethical Management in SMEs of Bangladesh :Present Scenario and Prospects of Improvement. Conference Proceedings 23rd. Annual International Conference on Advances in Management & 9th International Conference on Social Intelligence 2016 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) Practices In Health Care Sectors of Bangladeshh Journal Article European Scientific Journal 2016 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Impact of Financial and Macro-economic Factors on Share Price Determination: A Study on Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2015 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Network Providers’ SMS Advertisement: Customers’ Perspective Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2015 Mr. Md. Shak Forid Paper Link
Exploring the Scope of Adopting Multidimensional Performance Measurement Models in Banking Sector of Bangladesh Journal Article IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) 2015 Ms. Salma Akter Paper Link
Key Factors of TQM Implementation in the Textile and RMG Industry: A Study of Some Textile and RMG Companies of Bangladesh Journal Article IOSR Journal of Business and Management 2015 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Determinants of Personnel Differentiation for Competitive Advantage: From the Perspective of Customer Satisfaction. Journal Article 2015 Ms. Rifat Parveen Bokhari
Employee Protection in SMEs of Bangladesh: A Scenario Analysis. Conference Proceedings Conference on Management and Technology, Federation University, Gippsland, Austarlia and Ballarat University 2015 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Green Clothing Production: Present Scenario and Its Impact on Export Marketing of Bangladesh. Conference Proceedings 22nd . Annual International Conference on Advances in Management & 8th International Conference on Social Intelligence, 2015 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Leather Industry in Bangladesh: A systematic Literature review Journal Article Asian Business Review 2015 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh: Status, Prospect and Challenges Journal Article International Journal of advances in Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences 2015 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Customer Attitude towards the Mannequins Used for Displaying Clothes in Apparel Stores: A Case Study on Dhaka City Journal Article Prime University Journal 2014 Mr. Md. Shak Forid
Statement of Misrepresentation: Vitiate Contract Journal Article Green University Review of Social Sciences 2014 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Nonfinancial Information Disclosure and Company Characteristics: A Study on Listed Pharmaceutical and Chemical Companies of Bangladesh Journal Article Pacific Business Review International 2014 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Disclosing Non-financial Information as a part of Corporate Ethics - A Road Map for Implementation Journal Article Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 2014 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Assessment Of Preference Decisive Factor Of Private Commercial Banks In Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis On Young Generation Journal Article INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH 2014 Mr. Md. Mahfujur Rahman Paper Link
Significance of Marketing Activities in Garments Industry: A Study on Bangladesh Journal Article European Journal of Business and Management 2014 Mr. Md. Hafez Paper Link
Determinants of Stock Prices: An Empirical Analysis on Selected Firms Listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange. Journal Article The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, 2014 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal
Development of Social Enterprise and Social Business for Eradication of Extreme Poverty and Street Begging Conference Proceedings 7 International conference of IIUC 2014 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal
Industrial Relations System in SMEs of Bangladesh. Conference Proceedings 21st. Annual International Conference on Advances in Management & 7th International Conference on Social Intelligence 2014 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Banking Business: Quick Response Strategy for Competitive Edge Conference Proceedings Janata Bank Journal of Money, Finance and Development 2014 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Leather Industry in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges Journal Article American Journal of Trade and Policy 2014 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Impact of Financial and Macro-economic Factors on Share Price Determination: A study on Private commercial Banks of Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2013 Ms. Salma Akter
Customers’ Preferences towards Domestic and Foreign Products in Bangladesh: An Evaluation Journal Article Jagannath University Journal of Business Studies 2013 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Economic Activities, Carbon Emission and Renewable Energy Technology Adoption: A comparative Study between China and India Journal Article The Jahangirnagar University Journal of Business Research 2013 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
An Empirical Study on Dispute Resolution Methods (DRM): Special Emphasis on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Journal Article Journal of Economics and Development Studies 2013 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Disclosing Nonfinancial Information Leads to the Shareholders’ Wealth Maximization: Evidence from Bangladeshi Listed Financial Companies Journal Article International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management 2013 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Indulgent of the Rationale of Islamic Banking in Bangladesh : A Study of Stakeholders’ Perspectives Journal Article World Vision Research Journal 2013 Mr. Md. Mahfujur Rahman
Identifying the Factors of Work Environment and Compensation- From the Perspective of Employee Motivation Journal Article 2013 Ms. Rifat Parveen Bokhari
Investors’ Perception for Transforming Traditional Stock Market into Islamic Stock Market: An Empirical Study on Dhaka Stock Exchange. Journal Article ABC Journal of Advanced Research 2013 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal
“Measurement of Brand Equity-An Empirical Study on Al- Arafah Islami Bank Limited.” Journal Article Business Review –Bangladesh. 2013 Ms. Nazma Akter
“Investors’ Perception for Transforming Traditional Stock Market into Islamic Stock Market: An Empirical Study on Dhaka Stock Exchange.” Journal Article ABC Journal of Advanced Research 2013 Ms. Nazma Akter
Externalities to Stock Price Movement: From Investor's Perspective of Secondary Market of Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Science and Technology 2012 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Efficiency Measure of Capital Market: A case of Dhaka Stock Exchange Journal Article International Journal of Business and Management 2012 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
A Study on Consumer Behavior in relation to Toothbrush Marketing in Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2012 Mr. Kazi Ahmed Farhan Paper Link
Determinants of Direct Foreign Investment and its Connection to Trade in Bangladesh. Journal Article The International Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies (RJEBS) 2012 Mr. Md. Mahfujur Rahman Paper Link
Gender differences in the usage of information and communication technologies (ICT): The case for entrepreneurs in Bangladesh Conference Proceedings 2012 Ms. Rifat Parveen Bokhari
A Study on Trend of the Income Inequality: Evidence from Bangladesh Journal Article Indian Journal of Finance 2012 Mr. Salman Salem Shinwary
The effect of using Marketing Audit to enhance the Growth and Development in the context of Real Estate Industry in Bangladesh. Journal Article ASIAN ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING ADVANCEMENT (4A JOURNAL), 2012 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal
Moral Degradation: the main threat of up-coming Generation to be Civilized Journal Article Journal of Nazrul University 2012 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
The Impact of Product Value and Customer Service on Purchase Behavior and Customer Loyalty in Bangladeshi Context Journal Article Development compilation, CHRID, Bangladesh 2012 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Problems and Prospects of E-Banking in Bangladesh Journal Article Development compilation, CHRID, Bangladesh 2012 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Effects of Seasonal Volatility in Monthly Stock Return: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2011 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Gender Differences in the Usage of Information and Communication Technologies(ICT): The Case for Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh Conference Proceedings 2011 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Determinants of Dividend Payouts: Study on the Insurance Sector of Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2011 Mr. Mashiur Rahman Paper Link
Measuring Retail Service Quality from the Perspective of Bangladesh: A Case Study on Aarong Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2011 Mr. Md. Shak Forid Paper Link
Exchange Rate and its Impacts on GDP and Inflation in Bangladesh Journal Article ASA University Review 2011 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Electronic Banking in Bangladesh: Security Issues, Forms, Opportunities and Challenges Journal Article Journal of Banking 2011 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
A Note on the Causal Link among Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission in China Journal Article Jagannath University Journal of Business Studies 2011 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
The Relationship between Carbon-di-Oxide (CO2) and Economic Growth Journal Article The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration 2011 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
E-Governance in Bangladesh: A Way Forward to Digital Bangladesh Journal Article Asian Studies, The Journal of the Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University 2011 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Bank’s Financial Performance and the Impact of Bank Size: Evidence from Bangladeshi Commercial Banks Journal Article Bank Parikrama: A Journal of Banking & Finance 2011 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam
Customer Satisfaction on Services of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh : An Assessment of Students Opinion of Private University Journal Article Southeast University Journal of Business Studies 2011 Mr. Md. Mahfujur Rahman
Electronic Banking in Bangladesh: Security Issues, Forms, Opportunities and Challenges Journal Article Canadian Journal on Scientific and Industrial Research 2011 Mr. Salman Salem Shinwary
Marketing Audits: A Study of Marketing Accountability, Company Performance and Growth with Reference to Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh Journal Article The Cost and Management 2011 Mr. Md. Saheb Ali Mondal
Marketing Audits: A Study of Marketing Accountability, Company Performance and Growth with Reference to Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh” Journal Article Journal of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh 2011 Ms. Nazma Akter
Project Process Management Bridge between project and Information technology Journal Article World Vision 2011 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
HR Practices in Banking Sector on Perceived Employee Performance: A case of Bangladesh Journal Article The Eastern University Journal 2011 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Reporting Practice of Accounting Disclosure on changes in Listed Companies of Bangladesh Journal Article ASA University Review 2011 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Role of Information Technology for International Marketing and Entrepreneurship: A Theoretical and Practical Approach Journal Article Development Compilation 2011 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Determinants of Dividend Payouts: Study on the Insurance Sector of Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2010 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2010 Dr. Naznin Sultana Chaity Paper Link
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2010 Mr. Mashiur Rahman Paper Link
Role of Tour Operators for Promoting Bangladesh as a Tourism Destination Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2010 Mr. Kazi Ahmed Farhan Paper Link
Analyzing the recent trend of urban income inequality in Bangladesh: a quantitative approach Journal Article Journal of Socioeconomic Research and Development (JSERD) 2010 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Trend in the rural income inequality in Bangladesh since independence – A quantitative approach Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2010 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Approximation of the Influence of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth, Employment Generation and Inflation – A Case Study in Bangladesh Journal Article World Review of Business Research 2010 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Stock Market and Economic Advancement: A case on Dhaka Stock Exchange, Bangladesh Journal Article The Accountant, The institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh 2010 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
The Role of Information and Communication Technolgies (ICTs) in Delivering Higher Education Journal Article Journal of International Education Studies, Canada 2010 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
E-trading and Stock Market in Bangladesh: Problems, Prospects and Way Forward Journal Article The Accountant, The institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh 2010 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
CSR Practices of Multinational Companies: A Case on GrameenPhone Journal Article Journal of Patuakhali University of Science and Technology 2010 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Electricity Consumption and the Economic Growth: A case Study of Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Business Studies, Southeast University 2010 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Disclosures and Attributes of Audit Committee and Its Members: An Empirical Investigation in Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka) 2010 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam
Corporate Audit Committee: A Survey of Its Need and Present Status Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2010 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Membership, Administration and the Functions of Audit Committees: An Opinion Survey in Bangladesh Journal Article Southeast University Journal of Business Studies 2010 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam
Does Stock Market Promote Economic Growth ? : A Case on Dhaka Stock Exchange, Bangladesh Journal Article Southeast University Journal of Business Studies 2010 Mr. Md. Mahfujur Rahman
Trend in the Rural Income Inequality in Bangladesh since Independence- A Quantitative Approach Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology, Bangladesh 2010 Dr. Parul Akhter Paper Link
Trend in the rural income inequality in Bangladesh since independence - A quantitative approach Journal Article Journal of Science and Technology 2010 Mr. Salman Salem Shinwary
Approximation of the Influence of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth, Employment Generation and Inflation – A Case Study in Bangladesh Journal Article World Review of Business Research 2010 Mr. Salman Salem Shinwary
.“Heterogeneous Investors Base in Government Bond Market: A Critical Review of Some Selected South Asian Countries” Journal Article Journal of Thoughts and Economics 2010 Ms. Nazma Akter
The Globalization of Values: A Comparison between Bangladesh and USA Journal Article Asian Accounting and Auditing Advancement, 2010 Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman Khan
Prospect of Paint Industry In Bangladesh: A Case study of Berger Paints Bangladesh Ltd Journal Article Journal of Socioeconomic Research and Development (JSERD) 2009 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth: A Case Study Journal Article ASA University Review 2009 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
IT Audit Risk Assessment And Control: Evidence From Some Bangladeshi Companies’ Audit Committee Members Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2009 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Influence of E-Government on Managerial Effectiveness: A Survey of Government Officials in Dhaka City Journal Article Southeast University Journal of Business Studies 2009 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam
Impact of Inflation and GDP on Exchange Rate Movements in Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka) 2009 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam
Exchange Rate and Its Impacts on GDP and Inflation in Bangladesh’, ASA University Review Journal Article ASA University Review 2009 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam Paper Link
Need of Reforming Business Organizations in Least Developed Countries Like Bangladesh Journal Article The AUST Journal of Science and Technology 2009 Dr. Parul Akhter
Zoo as Ecotourism Attraction- Case of Dhaka Zoo Journal Article ASA University Review 2009 Mr. Salman Salem Shinwary
Development of Personnel/Human Resource Management: A Conceptual Review Journal Article Bangladesh Journal of MIS 2009 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Major Barriers of e-Commerce Development in Bangladesh-A Customers’ Perception Journal Article Lok Proshason Samoeeky (Quarterly Journal of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre) 2008 Dr. S.M. Shafiul Alam Paper Link
Skills and attributes required for business graduate. Evidence from perceptions of business students and expectations of employers in Bangladesh Journal Article Southeast University Journal of Business Studies 2008 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam
E-Supply Adoption and Its Strategies: An Analytical Review Journal Article Southeast University Journal of Business Studies 2008 Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Mashehdul Islam
Tendency towards Investment in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh : A Stock Market Study Journal Article Southeast University Journal of Business Studies 2008 Mr. Md. Mahfujur Rahman
Principles of Management Book 2008 Dr. Parul Akhter
“Problems of Entrepreneurship Development Through Grameen Bank Finance: A Study on Kushtia District of Bangladesh” Journal Article Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka) 2008 Ms. Nazma Akter
Media Habit with Special Focus on Furniture Industry: A Case Study of Navana Furniture Journal Article Journal of Business Studies 2007 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Challenges of e-Governance in Least Developed Countries Like Bangladesh Journal Article The Business and Economic Review 2007 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Export Promotion of Horticulture Products: A Case Study Journal Article Journal of Business Studies 2007 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Role of Good Governance in Economic Development for DCCI Others 2007 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Media Habit with Special Focus on Furniture Industry: A Case Study on Navana Furniture Journal Article Centre for Business Research 2007 Mr. Salman Salem Shinwary
Entrepreneurship Development Book 2006 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Measuring The Effect of Extrinsic Cues on Consumer’s Intention to Buy: An Empirical Study on Beautification Items Journal Article Journal of Business Studies 2005 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Bangladesh – India Trade Relations: A Critical Evaluation, D.U. Journal Article Journal of Marketing 2005 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Business Communication Book 2005 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Technical and Vocational Education: A Critical Analysis of Needs and Prospects in Bangladesh Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 2005 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Competitiveness of Bangladeshi Fabrics and Analysis with Special Reference to Marketing Journal Article Rajshahi University Studies 2004 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Vegetables Export from Bangladesh – Scanning Swedish Market’s Potential: A Consultancy Approach Journal Article Journal of Business Studies 2004 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
The Uniqueness of Japanese Management Style: A Review Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 2003 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Export Guidelines Book 2002 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Wind of Globalization Blowing Rapidly: Consequences in Bangladesh Journal Article Journal of Marketing 2002 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Problems of Ageing in Bangladesh and Their Solutions: An Evaluation ( in Bengali), Journal Article Dhaka University Pattrika 2002 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Training Academy Others 2001 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Feasibility Study for the Establishment of an Institute for Entrepreneurship Development Others 2001 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Impact of EU Cumulation Regulation on the Export Sector of Bangladesh, Especially on Ready-Made-Garments Others 2001 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Ways and Means for Augmenting Financial Resources of the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) Others 2001 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Networking the Activities of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry Others 2001 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Problems and Prospect of Export-oriented Ready-Made-Garments Sector in Bangladesh Others 2001 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Problems and Prospect of SMEs in Bangladesh Others 2001 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Viability of Foreign Trade Growth Journal Article The Chartered Secretary Journal 2001 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Human Resource Employment System in Japan: A Critical Review, Journal of Management Journal Article 2001 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Human Resources Employment System in Japan-A Critical Review Journal Article The Journal of Management 2001 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
New Forms of Partnership Between Management and Unions: An Evaluation of U.K. Experience Journal Article Social Science Review 2001 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Personnel To Human Resource Management: A Developmental Perspective Analysis Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 2001 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Problems of Women Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh Others 2000 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Problems and Prospect of Export-oriented Agriculture in Bangladesh Others 2000 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Problems and Prospect of Export-oriented Leather Sector in Bangladesh Others 2000 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Policy Induced Constraints on Women Entrepreneurs Development Others 2000 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Trade Secrets, The Export Answer Book for Small and Medium Sized Exporters Book 2000 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Emancipation Perspective of Women through Enterprise Development Others 2000 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Marketing Audit: A tool for Marketing Control Journal Article Islamic University Studies 2000 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
World Trade Organization: Implications for Bangladesh Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 2000 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Problems and Prospect of Transport Sector in Bangladesh Others 1999 Dr. Shyama Pada Biswas
Social Responsibility and Marketing Journal Article Journal of the Bangladesh Accountant 1999 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Viability of Foreign Trade Growth in Rajshahi and Requirement of Service Facilities Book 1999 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Recent Development in Japanese –Style Human Resource Management: An Overview of the Debate Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 1999 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Finance and Production Book 1998 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
An Evaluation of Consumers’ Awareness: A Study in Dhaka City Journal Article The Journal of Management 1998 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Marketing Book 1998 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Women Entrepreneurship Development in Rural Areas: A Case Study on BSCIC Funded Enterprises Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 1998 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Marketing of Cosmetic and Toiletries Products: A Case Study on Kohinoor Chemical Company Ltd Journal Article Dhaka Journal of Business Studies 1997 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Compensation System of the Private Commercial Banks in the Bangladesh Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 1997 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Working of Conciliation Machinery in Bangladesh: Thwarting Factors and Few Thoughts on their Remedies Journal Article Social Science Review 1997 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Privatization: Bangladesh Experience Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 1996 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Principles of Marketing Book 1996 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Designing the Sales Force: A Study on Dhaka- Based Private Sector Enterprises Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 1995 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Managerial Non-Leadership: Few Thoughts To Ponder Journal Article 1995 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Pricing in Sugar Marketing of North Bengal Sugar Mills - A Case Study Journal Article Rajshahi University Studies 1994 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Managing Other’s Careers in Organisation : Few Thoughts on its Success Journal Article Insurance Journal 1993 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Organizational Bottlenecks: Some Thoughts on Prospective Changes; An Empirical Study. Journal Article The Cost and management 1992 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Privatization of Industries in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects Journal Article Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies 1992 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Measuring the Effectiveness of Promotional Mix in Social Marketing Area: A Study on Rajshahi District Others 1990 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Organisational Loyalty: A Conceptual Analysis Journal Article Dhaka University Pattrika (in Bengali) 1988 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Problems and Prospects in the Marketing of Bangladeshi Printed Cotton Saree Journal Article Journal of Marketing 1985 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Role of Co-operative Society for the Development of Rural Economy Others 1984 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Marketing of Small Industries Products in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Rajshahi Silk Others 1984 Prof. Dr. Md. Amanullah
Communication Effectiveness: Method and Situation, An Evaluative Study on the Executive of an Enterprise in Bangladesh. Journal Article The Cost and Management, 1984 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Training: Theory and Practice, An Evaluation in the context of Bangladesh. Journal Article Dhaka University Pattrika (in Bengali) 1983 Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Components of Quality Education for Young People. Conference Proceedings 2nd National Convention on Education 0 Mr. Salman Salem Shinwary
Mapping the Opportunity- Getting Women Entrepreneurs to Export into International Market: The Role of the Government of Bangladesh Conference Proceedings 0 Mr. Salman Salem Shinwary