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Department of

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Date: 2023-01-20

Seminar arranged by Department of EEE on ‘Renewable Energy Integration to Grid’

A Seminar titled, “Renewable Energy Integration to Grid-Perspective Research and Australian Industry” was held on December 13, 2022 (Tuesday). Dr. Nahid Ambia (Principal Power System Engineer, Nordex-Acciona, Australia) conducted the session. Department of EEE, AUST, IEEE AUST Student Branch, and IEEE Power & Energy Society AUST SB Chapter jointly organized this event.

About 48 participants were present in the session. Respected faculty members were also present. Dr. Nahid Ambia started his presentation by addressing the state of energy production from various renewable sources in Australia as well as the challenges associated with integrating renewable energy into the grid. Following this, he discussed the grid codes for the Australian industry and emphasized some of the power system tools, i.e., PSCAD, PSSE, and Digsilent Powerfactory, and explained how these potent tools might be applied to grid connection studies. After that, he addressed some of the skills required for jobs in the grid connection and research sectors so that anyone interested in working in this field should prepare.

Following the presentation, an interactive Q/A session was held. Afterward, Prof. Dr. Tareq Aziz (Professor & Head, Dept. of EEE, AUST; Advisor, IEEE PES AUST SB Chapter) presented the token of appreciation to the keynote speaker. The session adjourned with a vote of thanks.