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Department of

Civil Engineering

Dr. Md. Mahmudur Rahman

Designation: Professor


Office Extension: 728

Room No: 3A09

Research Interests

  • Structural Analysis and Design
  • Seismic Analysis
  • Steel Structures
  • Concrete Technology, Soil-Structure Interaction

Educational Background

  • Ph.D, (Civil Engineering (Structure)), Saga University, Japan
  • Masters in Engineering (MEngg), (Civil Engineering (Structure)), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
  • Bachelor in Engineering (BEngg), (Civil), Bangladesh University of Science and Technology (BUET)

Honors and Achievements


Book Chapter
Journal Article
  1. Experimental Study of Concrete and Mortar as Partial Replacement of Cement by Glass Powder, Journal of Structural Engineering, its Applications and Analysis, 2023, HBRP Publication Pvt. Ltd.. URL
  2. Effect of Rust Protective Coating and Bar Size on Bond Strength of Rebar in Concrete, Journal of Structural Engineering, its Applications and Analysis, 2023, HBRP. URL
  3. Software Based Combined Analysis of High-Rise Steel Building with Pile Foundation for Lateral ForcesSoftware Based Combined Analysis of High-Rise Steel Building with Pile Foundation for Lateral Forces, Journal of Structural Engineering, its Applications and Analysis, 2022, HBRP Publication Pvt. Ltd.. URL
  4. Retrofitting Process of an Existing Building With Respect To Seismic Consideration in Bangladesh, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2015.
  5. Dynamic Analysis of High Rise Flat Plate Building with Different Retrofitting Systems, EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH, 2014.
  6. Study on Ready-Mix Concrete with Survey and Experiments in the context of Bangladesh, The AUST Journal of Science and Technology, 2012.
  7. Multigrade, Multivariable CUSUM Control Charts for Control and Monitoring of the Concrete Production, The AUST Journal Of Science and Technology, 2011.
  8. Structural Analysis on Punched and Suspended Slab, The AUST Journal Of Science and Technology, 2010.
  9. Structural Analysis of Integrated Piled-Raft Foundation, The AUST Journal Of Science and Technology, 2009.
  10. Seismic Analysis System of Bridge Pier with Pile Foundation in Ariake Soft Clay Region, Lowland Technology International, 2002.
  11. Effect of soil stiffness and ground displacement in earthquake response of bridges with pile foundation, Lowland Technology International, 2001.
Conference Proceedings
  1. Time History Analysis of Braced and Unbraced Steel Structures, International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2017_001), 2017.
  2. Study On Extradosed Bridge And It’s Structural Behavior, International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IICSD-2015), 2015.
  3. A study on Contemporary Concrete Strength Test Practice-USA DOTS Experience, Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering & Construction Conference (APSEC 2009), 2009.
  4. A Study on Superstructure-Pile-Soil Integrated Analysis of High-Rise Building with Pile Foundation, Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering & Construction Conference (APSEC 2009), 2009.
  5. Investigation on Effective Bracing System for Buildings with Soft Story under Seismic Loading, Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Structural Engineering & Construction Conference (APSEC 2009), 2009.
  6. Computation of fatigue behaviour of RC structures, Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-10), 2006.
  7. Experimental investigation and analytical Simulation of deflection behaviour of continuous RC beam, Proceedings of the Tenth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-10), 2006.
  8. A study on the effect of soil structure interaction on seismic response of bridge structure, Proceedings of the First Bangladesh Earthquake Symposium, 2005.
  9. Soil-Pile Interaction Seismic Analysis in Ariake Soft Clay Considering Pile Nonlinearity, International Symposium on Lowland Technology, 2002.
  10. Earthquake-resistant design of bridges with pile foundation considering the ground displacement, Proceedings of the First Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2001.
  11. Influences of the Position of Inflexure Points on the Ultimate Shear Capacity of Indeterminate Reinforced Concrete Beams, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, 1996.