Master of Science (MSc), (Computer Science), University of Calgary, Canada
Bachelor of Science (BSc), (Computer Science and Information Technology), Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh
Honors and Achievements
CPSC Travel Award, University of Calgary, University of Calgary, 2016
Workshop Grant, German Climate Computer Center (DKRZ), Hamburg, 2016
Research Award, University of Calgary, University of Calgary, 2015
Research Award, University of Calgary, University of Calgary, 2014
International Recruitment Graduate Award, University of Calgary, University of Calgary, 2014
Undergraduate Student Scholarship, Islamic University of Technology, 2008
Book Chapter
Journal Article
An Enhanced Adaptive Vector Median Filtering Technique to Remove High Density Salt-and-Pepper Noise from Microarray Image, International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012, IJCA.
An Enhanced Non-Linear Adaptive Filtering Technique for Removing High Density Salt-and-Pepper Noise, International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012, IJCA.
A Simplified Method for Handwritten Character Recognition from Document Image, International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012, IJCA.
An Approach to Extract Features from Document Image for Character Recognition, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2012, GJCST.
Conference Proceedings
Image-to-Image Attire Transfer for Virtual Trial Room, ICCIT, 2020, IEEE.
Jamdani Motif Generation using Conditional GAN, ICCIT, 2020, IEEE.
BdSL36: A Dataset for Bangladeshi Sign Letters Recognition, ACCV, 2020, The CVF.
toon2real: Translating Cartoon Images to Realistic Images, ICTAI, 2020.
Icosahedral Maps for a Multiresolution Representation of Earth Data, 21st International Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization, 2016, Eurographics Association.
Multiresolution Visualization of Digital Earth Data via Hexagonal Box Spline Wavelets, IEEE VIS, 2015, IEEE.
A Technique to Detect Books from Library Bookshelf Image, IEEE 9th International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, 2013, IEEE.
An Enhanced Decision Based Adaptive Median Filtering Technique to Remove Salt and Pepper Noise in Digital Images, 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2011, IEEE.
Cartoon-to-real: An Approach to Translate Cartoon to Realistic Images using GAN, 2019.
Real Time Bangladeshi Sign Language Detection using Faster R-CNN, 2018.