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Department of

Civil Engineering

Date: 2015-09-03

Seminar on "Water Resources in Bangladesh: Issues, Challenges and Role of Water Sector Professionals"

Water resources engineering is one of the important branch of Civil Engineering (CE), has properly given emphasis in our CE curriculum. As a part of regular knowledge dissemination program, a seminar was arranged by the CE Dept. on 8 August, 2015 about a Water Resources Engineering topic titled Water Resources in Bangladesh:  Issues, Challenges and Role of Water Sector Professionals.  The speaker was Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Matin, Department of CE, AUST. The seminar was chaired by Prof. Dr. Md. Mahmudur Rahman, Head, Department of CE.  Prof. Dr. A. M. M Safiullah Vice Chancellor, AUST was the chief guest. Faculties and students of CE department attended the seminar.

The dissemination seminar focuses mainly on some general aspects of Water Resources in Bangladesh, water availability and its uses in Bangladesh, climate change and its effects, water management plans and activities in national water management plan (NWMP), Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), scopes of water professionals, water resources problems and possible action plan /measures. Also pictorial description of some ongoing water related projects of Bangladesh had been delivered by the speaker.